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10 Inspiring Tweets To Tune In For a Dose Of Inspiration

Words have a very deep impact on us and our lives. We are accustomed to finding solutions to our problems, get inspired, motivated, and take action in our lives through a book, or coming across some inspiring words on social media or any other channel.

Some of the words stay with us so deep that they change what we think, our actions, our attitudes and be a reason to define our lives. Given today's social media age, there is no dearth of inspiring words yet many of us get lost under a pile of tweets, and still not find something that is truly inspirational. With hope and positive intention to create a difference in the ways we can, here is a compilation of ten tweets that are not only inspiring but if you happen to feel connected to any of them, they might go a long way in the kind of impact in your life.

Stephen Light: He is a Leadership & Executive Coach who believes in courageously challenge leaders to develop self-awareness, be present, and make the desired changes in their lives. He Tweets:


James Clear: He is the Author of the #1 NYT bestseller Atomic Habits. He shares:


Naval Ravikanth: He is an investor and Co-Founder and CEO of AngelList. He has invested in more than 100 companies, including Uber, Twitter, Yammer, and many others. He tweets:


Sujit Lalwani: He is the Founder & CEO of iU (Inspiration Unlimited), an Author, and a Chess Player. As a Speaker, he has addressed more than 4.5Mn people globally from all age groups. He says:


Yung Pueblo: Diego Perez also known by his pen name ‘Yung Pueblo’ on Twitter is a Meditator, Author, Writer, Speaker, and Poet. The name ‘Yung Pueblo’ means ‘young people’. Hence, he helps people with his perspectives on self-love, regrets, forgiveness, the power of letting go, and others. He mentions:


Bruce Van Horn: He is a Leadership & Executive Coach, Business Consultant, the host of Life Is A Marathon Podcast, an Author, Thought Leader, Cancer Conqueror, and a lover of life. He shares a quote by Billy Graham, an evangelist from the USA, that says:


Melitta Campbell: She is a Business Coach for Women, Speaker, Author, and a Host of Driven Female Entrepreneur Podcast. She believes in helping people build & grow a profitable business that gives them Time. She tweets:


Elizabeth McCormick: She is a TOP Leadership Expert Motivational Keynote Speaker. She was formerly the US ARMY Black Hawk Helicopter Pilot. She is a certified Virtual Presenter for Sales, Safety, or Leader Meetings. She shares a quote by Richard Yates, a renowned fiction writer of the 20th century that says:


Dr. Stanley T. Crawford: He is an Educator, Speaker, Veteran, Author, and entrepreneur. He tweeted:

Anne Perschel: She is a Leadership & Business Psychologist with Germane Coaching & Consulting growing psychologically savvy leaders & gender diversity. She mentions:


Final Words:

We hope that these tweets on Leadership and Inspiration help you in your life.

Do let us know your thoughts on the same in the comments below. Also, let us know in the comments if you would love more such compilations.

Copyrights © 2024 Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine

Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 5th January 2021.
Kunal Jain
Kunal Jain works as an Outreach Specialist at iU

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