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How To Fall Asleep Faster For Students When Stressed Out?

Stress and anxiety will make you have trouble sleeping. Apart from sleeping problems, it will affect your mood, increase irritability, and could cause depression. Because sleep affects the brain’s vital functions, not sleeping will ultimately affect how you perform in school. But can you help me with my homework so I can sleep better? Yes, that and some more.

9 ways to fall sleeper faster when you are stressed out

Turn off electronics

Television, smartphones, computer screens, and tablets all emit blue light capable of keeping you awake. The light suppresses melatonin – the hormone that makes you sleepy and engages your mind. You will fall asleep faster if you use eyeglasses that block the blue light. Also, disconnect and leave your devices at least 10 minutes before trying to sleep.

Sleep comfortably

Your body position also determines how quickly you will sleep. Instead of sleeping on your back or stomach, try to sleep on your side. Sleeping on your back can cause snoring, sleep apnea, and blocked airways.

Apart from this, sleep on a comfortable mattress and use pillows and covers that won’t cause muscular discomfort. For example, orthopedic pillows promote better sleep than memory and feather pillows. Only sleep in comfortable clothing that will keep your temperature pleasant throughout the night.

Sleep with the lights off

When you leave the lights on, it will affect the body’s thermal clock, disrupt circadian rhythms, and make it harder to sleep. So put your light off before trying to sleep.

Use relaxing music

After a stressful day, listen to relaxing music. Slow music, chord, strings, nature, and meditation music make you feel more restful and soothe the nerves.

Fall Asleep Faster For Students When Stressed Eat healthily

What you eat can affect your sleep. For example, heavy foods before attempting to sleep will keep you awake. Instead, eat light foods. You can take a glass of milk or herbal tea to relax your body. Also, reduce your consumption of caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.


Regular intuitive exercises and movements will relieve stress and improve sleep. However, don’t exercise just before going to bed. Instead, wrap up your routine at least two hours before bedtime, so your body temperature can return to normal levels. You can try basic yoga, meditation, hiking, tennis, running, and other moderate exercises.

Take a bath before sleep time

Take a hot shower or bath to cool your body’s temperature before trying to sleep. This process is like the sleep-wake cycle of the body and causes you to sleep faster.

Use aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oil to relax the body. It involves releasing essential oils like lavender, peppermint, etc. Into the room. When you inhale these relaxing scents, you will sleep faster and better.

Write in a book or read oneYou will find it challenging to sleep if your mind is wandering. If your thoughts keep you up, try journaling how you feel at the moment. It should help get things off your chest. You can also read a book until you fall asleep – a physical one, not from your device that emits blue light.
The stress of schooling is enough to put every student on edge. However, don’t let your assignment, schedule, or anything else for that matter deprive you of a good night’s sleep.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 7th January 2022.

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