My Real Life

Twinkle twinkle litter star is no more a mystery for me
Because now I know the reality
And now I know that the stars, no matter how much they glitter and shine
But they can never make our life aligned
Because they can shine but they can't move

Shooting stars is not a wonder for me now
Because I know that if a star will shoot it can even destroy a massive piece of land
So I never dare to have my wish and build a grave on sand
For those who live on a place where my wishes will fall and destroy
my real life,reality
Barbie is no more my ideal because I know that a real girl is far better than a doll
And now I know how to bat and how to bowl

Glass house, reflected mirrors is not my destiny
Because I know a small stone can break them
Reaching up in the sky is not what I want
Because I know that I will disperse on day in this ground when I will face my death

Wish for Million dollars or zillion dollars is not better than a thousand rupee note in my pocket
Because I know that I have it
And I will spend it on things I want

I will try best to get best
But if not then I will make it myself best
If not best then a little good or better

I no more wish for a prince charming because I believe the man who is made for me will be a charming for me
I do not go for ideal anymore because I know that my real life if I try will someday turn out be ideal for me.

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Zoha Khalid
Zoha Khalid is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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