Psychiatric help

"I don't know how anybody can be so stupid to cut their own wrist, even if their intention was to hurt someone a lot by hurting themselves".

Well, for starters, if anybody tried such a thing with me, it would backfire (or so I thought). I don't respond to threats, and definitely not to those involving the second party getting hurt. (what a pathetic way of trying to get a point across)- Or so I thought, again. I couldn't have been more wrong.

I don't know how many of you have come across people who'd do such a thing.

Well, there might be multiple reasons for you to say that you would do such a drastic thing, however, actually doing it indicates only two things:

1. You need to grow up and stop thinking that causing others pain by causing pain to yourself is the best way to get back at a loved one. WRONG. This will backfire (if the second party is sane).

2. You need psychiatric help.

Having seen a number of situations where the second party is in a place where he absolutely can do nothing but oblige the first party because of these so called "threats" of them cutting a wrist, or in extreme situations- killing themselves, the second party has -as I already said -Absolutely NO choice, but Oblige.

I for one, always thought that if I were put in that situation, I would coolly cut off that person and not respond to such empty threats.

But I have realized, if I were to be really put in such a situation, then no way in hell would I be able to simply cut the person off, forget being cool about it.

But then, these wrist cutting incidents have become alarmingly common, and once you know that those threats are not actually empty, they'd do anything to ensure you feel guilty/oblige/whatever the hell they want to achieve, that's not a nice place to be. Trust me.
psychiatric doctor,help
This post isn't about how insane that guy/girl must've been, or about how we must think a 100 times before making a friend, and this post is definitely not a rant about how some people ruin everything for us.

The reason I'm writing this article however, is entirely for a different reason.

It is about a far more important topic, and surprisingly as I have seen, it is something that is not understood by the very people who need it most: It's called getting psychiatric help.

Gone are the times where people shy away from taking psychiatric help, but the biggest problem is knowing that you, of all the people on the planet, need help.

The first and probably the biggest step is realizing that you need it.

Here are some of the reasons you can check with to consider whether you need help or not:

1. Do you find it extremely difficult to let go of something/someone, and obsessively think about ways to get back instead of letting go? 2. Do you find it difficult to sleep at night? (And all you people who are indeed normal might even laugh at these questions, but this article isn't written for your benefit; so pass it on, maybe you'll never know whom you helped.)

3. Do you find even the slightest of noise disturbing to the point that it wakes you from sleep?

4. Are you extremely conscious of what people think about every little thing you do?

5. Do you portray yourself as a very happy-go-lucky-person in front of people, but on the inside, that's not who you are?

6. Did you go through a childhood trauma which was left untreated?

7. Are you classified as overly sensitive by people in general?

8. Do you have suicidal tendencies? (read as do you think of cutting your wrists or some such thing, when alone; or do you have a tendency to threaten your loved ones with such statements to get what you want very often?)

If your answer to one or more of the questions is yes, then it is a good idea to consult a psychiatrist.

P.S: Finding a good psychiatrist is as important as identifying that you need one, choose one whom you can quite trust. (Credits to this point goes to Mr.Sujit Lalwani, Founder and Director, IU).

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Sandhya Nagaraj
Sandhya Nagaraj is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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