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Global Leaders Summit Series - Exclusive. Innovative. Content Driven.

Management Circle is a business leader in the field of continuing education of business professionals and executives in the German-speaking region for 25 years. Offerings cover summits, conferences, seminars, congresses, trade fairs and in-house training. The biggest event is the Call Centre World, which is the largest international congress and fair of its kind with 8,000 participants attending in 2014. 

Ceated by the International Business Division, the Global Leaders Summit Series tailors events on their own distinct platform based on the motto to be EXCLUSIVE. INNOVATIVE. CONTENT DRIVEN. 
Global Leaders Summit
Attending an event means becoming a part of an interactive and exclusive community, with numerous interactive sessions providing for a stimulating environment of information sharing and knowledge exchange. Ranging from 20-minute impulse presentations, to our pioneering Think Tank Academy, participants contribute as much as they learn. With an individually approved delegate list, our attendees are international leaders and senior executives from a plethora of industries. As a result, the Global Leaders Summit Series ensures a vendor / sell-side free event except for a limited number of supporting partners.

EXCLUSIVE. All Global Series Leaders Summits are closed off events limited to a certain number of participants in order to ensure an intimate environment and the quality of networking.

INNOVATIVE. As most executives and leaders will know, daily problems are no longer geographically isolated or even ‘regional’ anymore. Global leaders are facing global challenges and addressing that phenomenon with an international audience is a core element of our model that sets us apart. 

CONTENT DRIVEN. An integral part of our fresh and innovative format is our original Think Tank Academy which enables attendees to sharpen their skills, exchange ideas and further elaborate key issues through moderated executive roundtable discussions.

Past Expert Speakers

  • Michail Gorbatschow, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate   
  • Cherie Blair CBE, QC, Founder of the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women  
  •  Rupert Stadler, Chairman, AUDI AG
  •  Clare Woodman, COO, Morgan Stanley  International   
  • Simonetta Di Pippo, Director, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs   
  • Dina Dublon, Member of the Boards of Directors at Microsoft Corporation, PepsiCo Inc.,  Deutsche Bank and Accenture PLC   
  • Martina Hund-Mejan, CFO, Mastercard  
  • Helmut Jahn, Architect, New York   
  • Helena Morrissey, CEO, Newton Investment Management and 30% Club founder   
  • Lord Mayor Fiona Woolf, CBE, 686th Lord Mayor of London (2013-14)  
  • Tuula Rytilä, CMO, Nokia Corporation  
  • Corinne Vigreux, Founder and COO, TomTom N.V.   
  • Simone Menne, CFO and member of the  Executive Board, Deutsche Lufthansa AG  
  • Nick Reilly, Former President GM Europe   
  • Alison Wolf, Economist and Professor, Kings College London  
  • Jie Jane Sun, COO, Ctrip.com International Ltd.
What Attendees are Saying about our Global Leaders Summit Series

» Thank you! The event had a great impact on me! « Johnson & Johnson LLC      

» Amazing, inspiring and high caliber speakers.  I wish the sessions could be shared with the world! « Magnet Media Group

» I loved the summit due to its top & extraordinary attendees the presentations and the international networking. « ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG

» Very inspiring summit with very high quality international participants and excellent net- working. I learned a lot! « Julius Baer

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 31st January 2016.

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