Inspiring Stories
A collection of personal Interviews with celebrated leaders, entrepreneurs, corporate honchos or any success stories.


Every challenge is a milestone to be accomplished

People who say life isn't easy have definitely experienced the worst. But here is this young lady who believes that life won't be difficult without the challenges and ups and downs. She takes them as milestones- Milestones to make her grow to a new level of LIVING FULLY.

Mrs. Vaishali Thakkar shares her life's incidents with us that made her grow and live a healthy and happy life. "Working has always been a part of my life," says this passionate lady who has tried her hand at many professions. To cope up with the financial condition of her family she started earning when she was just 11 years old and was in 7th grade. She started giving home to home coaching for small students while her studies was getting disturbed. Till marriage she did coaching, after which her in-laws didn't accept this and she had to leave teaching. Again hard times struck in her life and she had to start with coaching once again. Along with coaching she started a restaurant in her part time. Due to some partnership disputes she left restaurant business and concentrated on coaching. Till 2014 she did coaching and, now, she has changed her field of work to designing.
every challenge is a milestone,hardships
She has received her certificates, awards and medals during and after her academic tenure. She was awarded for a project on soil conservation at India level from the hands of Shri Shankar Dayal Sharma when she was in 8th grade. Other than that, she got many certificates from UN, Rotary club, LCC, HELP AGE INDIA, and many other NGOs for rendering her service.

"My youth was full of struggles and hardships," she recalls. She was just 11 years old when her father lost his job due to accident and her mom had to resign from the post of Principal to look after her father who was completely on bed. Vaishali had to start earning to be a helping hand to her family in financial crisis. She used to give coaching by going home-to-home.

"I never had an idea that life would bring me to this stage where I stand today. It's all destinies, God's blessings and my parents' and teachers' preaching that helped me face all the hardships happily," she says gratefully. She is a multi-talented lady; she can work in many fields whether it's coaching or dress designing or hotel industry or any other job. But she always wanted to do something which would add wings to her creativity. When she started her boutique from home she got a good market response and her hard work and dedication helped her to reach this stage.

Health illnesses and situations could never stop her and she dealt with them rather effortlessly.

Now, Vaishali is a healthy person, running her boutique successfully. She is a daughter, elder sister, daughter-in-law and housewife. Professionally, she has a role of a teacher, a fashion designer, an entrepreneur, a boss and a business woman.
"The credit behind my success goes to God for gifting me strength to face the toughest situation, then to my parents who made many sacrifices to educate me and, last but not the least, to all my well-wishers who always supported me and believed in me," says Vaishali with utmost amount of gratitude in her words and voice.

Thank you Mrs. Vaishali for taking out time off your various ventures and responsibilities, and for doing this good deed of inspiring our IU e-magazine readers.

We wish you all the best for your upcoming ventures. May you have many more, and yet another long story for our readers to get inspired.

The story has been under constant review. For any clarifications, email

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 17th July 2014.
IJ Anita Tejwani
IJ Anita Tejwani is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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