Inspiring Stories
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The zeal to serve can beat any age bar

Truth, fearlessness, dedication, sacrificial, seriousness, social welfare, hardworking are the words that describe our another inspiration named Mrs. Krishna Bhambani. Born in 1921, Krishna Bhabani has turned 94 this year, and she still believes to create a century. This lady has always been a prominent personality in Gujarat's history. She has been a social activist, a teacher, a principal, a municipal head, a secretary and much more. Yet, she isn't tired of serving her people. She loves all the people of Gujarat and especially Kutch, where she is currently staying. She describes this place as "Heaven" which gives her peace at living.

Mrs. Krishna Bhambani has been titled as "Didi" (which means a teacher). She has played prominent and splendid roles through her hard work and innovative ideas for the empowerment of women and children. Her father was a teacher, but those days, less importance was giving to studies. As she insisted, her father let her study. She graduated in the year 1969, and hoped to be a role model for other women of her age. Same was the thought that she imparted to her students. She worked as a Principal for 8 years in Kanya Maha Vidyalaya at Larkana (Sindh).
the zeal to serve can beat any age bar,dedicatedness
She never stopped studying and learning new things. Soon she was made the Superintendent of Home for Sindhi women and children at Kanpur. She worked there restlessly for the less privileged people to form their identity and taught them to grow. In 1967, she received the State award of the Best Teacher. Then she migrated to Adipur, which was by then a little developed but, education entered this city through her hands. She had been the only graduate lady in Sindh and here she was using her education to its best. She became the principal of Maitri Vidya Mandal, Adipur in 1977 and served there till 1980, after which she retired.

In 1959, she took up the responsibility as a member of Gandhidham municipality and remained as a President there for 1 year. She believed in wearing KHADI clothes and has started her Khadi Grahudyog Sangh, which would impart work to ladies and an awareness to wear Khadi clothes. From 1958 to 1980 she was the secretary sub-editor for Dharti Mata Fortnightly and Gujarat Samachar weekly. Till date, she is the Director of Bombay Printers Limited (Hindustan Daily and Hindvasi), an approved Akashwani artist for drama, talks, stories and mushaira and the President of Gandhidham Maitri Mandal. After retirement she was made the Hon. Manager, Gandhidham Maitri Mandal.

She is 94, but hopes are still high, the shine in her eyes hasn't dimmed, they can still show a path to the pathless and a ray of hope for the hopeless.

May god bless you with many more years to come and may you always keep inspiring the youth of this world!

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 12th July 2014.
IJ Anita Tejwani
IJ Anita Tejwani is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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