Responsibility is all about seeing the possibilities and working them out. I was afraid of it. Are you afraid too? What
is the problem with this? Is it complicated or are we?
The way we look at and the way we perceive it, is complicated. This is what made us adamant towards it. Responsibility is not any stranger
to us. We are born and brought up with it but we're always uncomfortable in dealing with it. Don't feel the responsibility just take it,
take it over. It is necessary to fulfill what it demands. Responsibility arises when all the possibilities rest, so get to action! Responsibility
is a great opportunity to show case one's abilities. How does it look like? Simple, it looks exactly like a fearless you and me.
When and how does it come? It comes when you want your wants and your want is to want, what all others want! ;)
Responsibility comes with age?
Must say it never comes with age. It rather comes with courage. The courage to face the world, the courage to face to reality (not all
of them possess this) have it for yourself.
Does responsibility come with experience? The more you experience something, the more frequently you feel less responsible to work on it. But
the secret is here- you might possess it but you don't own it. So one can still work on it (in fact we don't own any such qualities we just
possess them so always have place for improvement).responsibility is sort of directly proportionate to improvement.
Responsibility is tough?
It is tough when you're going gets tough. So the tough get going! Responsibility is tough, when you see people handling with a wrong attitude.
Take it yourself once .It all comes down to our attitude. A cricketer may feel responsible enough to go for the last over bowling to give
his team a victory but it depends on his attitude that when the best of batsman is all set to bat he has a choice to take immense pressure
and stress himself out or to think whoever it is it's all about a bat and a ball and nothing else. Now, he's still taking the responsibility
but hes just handling it with a right attitude! Here's the thin line. We can never run away from our responsibilities it's all about
learning how to walk hand in hand with it. It protects us form all the unforeseen situations life wanted to put us into. It guides us through
all the paths that we choose and walk.
Take responsibility, not when you feel is the right time but instead take it when it comes to you!
Be responsible to self and the rest all shall be possible.
Have faith and keep walking!
Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. A part [small/large] could be AI generated content at times and it's inevitable today. If you have a feedback particularly with regards to that, feel free to let us know. This article was first published here on June 2012.
Beena Chowdary
Beena Chowdary is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited - iU - Online Positivity Media