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Know about teens

Teens & A Profile Picture
We, teens have a big craze of taking pics! Anywhere, everywhere! In any kind of pose! It's the generation of the "selfies"! All kinds of people out there are trying to find the perfect selfie or any kind of so called "perfect picture" just for a profile pic! We do all crazy, insane possible things just to get a "perfect" profile picture. We don't think twice! We don't give a damn about their life. All that we want is a "perfect profile" picture. We should cool it down! After all you aren't getting any Oscar or Nobel Prize or even a Grammy! So there is nothing to go mad about a profile picture. There is no need of creating hype over it! It can lead to many other disasters! While taking the extreme profile picture you might kill yourself! Do you find it funny? Well, it has happened! There is also a possibility that you might become the target of "jokes" at your school/college. Well, anything is possible! Teens, as I always say- chill it out!
know about teens,confidence
Teens & Jealousy
Jealousy is something teens can't live without. Jealousy runs in their blood. Each and every teen in their school life must have felt jealous because of a person or over a person. It is the feeling which can't be resisted. Best friends, enemies, love birds, all have jealousy in them. Two enemies are jealous because the other person might have something which he might not have. Two friends are jealous because one of the friends might be famous while the other might not be. Love birds are jealous because they are scared that someone might take over their loved one. Well, these are just a few examples which might be true in some cases while not in others. Many times jealousy destroys friendships, relationships and, sometimes might also become the cause of friendship between two people against the same guy/girl. Jealousy is a major part of all girls' life rather than boys' (well for obviously known reasons). There is no way to escape jealousy unless you have a great deal of self control! Enjoy life with jealousy because it gets interesting as days pass. Believe me friends! (Sharing from my own experiences)
Teens & the Fantasy World
We teens love it when all things go our way. We love it when everything happens exactly the same way we want. We teens also love to be in the fantasy world or fantasyland as it is called very often. Fantasy world and Teens have a very big connection, directly or indirectly. We always dream about the things we want, the girl/guy we admire or dream about. The list just seems endless. Well! What do we get after doing so? Yes, I agree that we become happy dreaming about things we like. Dreaming makes us so happy that we start living in the fantasy world itself and make a fool out of us. I bet it must have happened with you also. No? Well, it'll surely happen. Yeah! So, coming back... we sometimes get into the fantasy world so much that we start doing stupid, unpredictable things. We do everything possible to make the fantasy world come into reality. We go into the wrong path doing wrong things and we get confused about what to do next. We end up in such a situation that it becomes hard to come out of it. Fantasyland as it is called leads to obsessions. Well, fantasyland is not bad all around. It's good if we stay in the reality also. It keeps us happy, refreshes our mind and gives hope in life to do something unless your fantasy isn't about a girl or a guy!

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 6th June 2014.
Purav Parekh
Purav Parekh is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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