Fashion Simplified By ThatElegantChic!

When I can work at office for 8 hours, go for my dance class, play badminton and still manage to start and sustain a venture of my own, a lot of you out there who have potential to do big shouldn’t think twice to start,” says Ashwini KN, a Bangalorean fashionista and the Founder of ThatElegantChic. 

Back in college, Ashwini urged for lots of pretty clothes and accessories but couldn’t afford them. She would hear friends talk about all the posh brands and think to earn money so as to wear them and fulfill her heart’s little desires, which meant studying hard to get a good job. In this illusion she couldn’t realise which after few years she understood that it’s not just the brands, but it’s the way one feels about self and with right styling anyone can have his/her own fashion statement!

In 2009, she started off with a blog which just spoke on general topics which wasn’t her cup of tea and hence she became inconsistent. Then in October 2014, she started up with fashion blogging which gave her a symphony of happiness and there was never turning back! 
Having a regular day job and working as a fashionista over her blog, time management came as a challenge. Learning this she started doing better at both by reducing the time to chat and sleep. Everything impacts the society and makes people think and say things that can pull down one’s self-confidence. This came as a major challenge when people would show an attitude of misunderstanding that she was no longer into her technical job but was blogging full time, as she being a girl could only focus on one thing! “These people motivate me to be best at both my jobs! As I have come so far to prove them wrong about ThatElelgantChic being a waste of time by having a good growth and making it one of the top fashion e-magazines in India,” she exclaims with a smile. 

Being a software engineer she believes ‘Technology is everything’. The team at TEC has now moved a step up to having their website which is also mobile compatible. Soon the app is expected to come in market for on the go use.

Initially, the plan was to write posts which would help my friends, but as we started posting, more and more lot of strangers became our regular users who appreciated our work. So far the growth has been a positive parabolic curve,” states Ashwini with full of enthusiasm.

For any venture, it’s the forces from many brains that come together to bring the venture to its success, and here are the three queens of elegance who brought TEC so far. “I strongly believe in the saying, ‘Alone you can go fast but together you can go far’,” she says. Ashwini was looking out for a partner who could understand the depth of her vision and not just work with her. She met Varsha, who is a brilliant writer and dreams of writing a book one day. Immediately, after their meeting, Varsha agreed to be the Chief Editor to which Ashwini knew deep down in her heart that Varsha had the enthusiasm which was need for the start-up. As the blog started growing, Swathi was introduced on board. Swathi had many homemade solutions for beauty related problems but didn’t have a platform to share, and today, she feels blessed to be a part of TEC and continues with her amazing job!
At TEC, a woman can have access to the world of fashion, beauty, fitness and homemade solutions, all at one place which proves to be quite useful. They have fashion styles which can enhance the look of every woman and not just those apparel styles that are witnessed on the ramp walks by models. Along with that, they keep up with each world to bring a woman nothing less than what she deserves. TEC updates the latest trends with simpler posts around it for its audience. “I try to be more observant and try new things of styling and use the latest products in the market to review them for the audience,” mentions Ashwini. The team has made it to the point of posting at least two topics on their site every week along with sharing the posts on their social media sites each day to keep in constant touch with the audience. They wish to soon add the Vlogging feature to their site.

At TEC, they are very much open for constructive criticism, as well as, compliments, and keen on getting the feedback at regular intervals of time. To their dedication, their friends and acquaintances have loved their website and are regular users of the same. “I had once read that ‘We should keep trying and taking risks until we are 28,’ Hey, I’m still 25, and I won’t settle for anything less! Start early and you will achieve your dreams early!” is what has ignited that spirit of entrepreneurship in her which keeps burning with the undying support from her brother, be it financially or morally.

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IJ Anita Tejwani
IJ Anita Tejwani is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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