Poetic Spree
A collection of poems that inspire & share a powerful message for betterment of humanity.


Friends Forever

Phases of life show you the different faces of life.
We started as strangers, grew like searchers
Wondered and tripped on each other’s path
We smiled slowly, we spoke hardly
We shared everything quietly
For we both knew, and knew it was just enough for us to know
That both of us admired each other
That both of us cared for each other
That both of us missed each other
And then eventually the journey so sweet began.
Friends Forever
It felt blissful; It felt cool like the soft breeze
I smiled inside my heart
You blushed at my very sight
We wanted to name our relationship
Yes. We called it love
For everyone around said it was love
We began to share the little secrets
We began to feel the little tickles in our hearts

But we knew deep inside something was missing
And eventually in the path we trod
There were cries without tears
There were smiles without heart
There were fears, all very near
And found each other nowhere around
Then the cord of repentance stuck
And the mind said we were never meant to be “ONE”

It was just a passing phase
For it was not really the connection of heart
But the understanding of minds
And we slowly drifted
But as friends forever

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 4th June 2015.
Sonal Lobo
Sonal Lobo is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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