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WiSTEM - Women In STEM Conference 2017

September 11-12 in San Francisco
 WiSTEM - Women In STEM Conference 2017
WiSTEM is produced by MKF, a leading global public nonprofit organization driving women to nurture their economic, social and intellectual potential. WiSTEM also hosts an annual Awards Gala; a peer-reviewed awards program and reception honoring trailblazers in 10 different categories. WiSTEM convenes an audience of 500+ from 20 nations. It is all wrapped inside the excitement and crossover opportunities afforded by collocating with the MWC Americas event and its 30,000 attendees.

This has grown to become the largest global event for women in Science, Tech and Math, gathering an international audience of women technologists, scientists, mathematicians and achievers who are not only adding diversity to the world around us but are also essential participants in the health of the global economy.

The two days of the Conference will comprise Industry-led tracks, providing several opportunities for industry experts and leaders to discuss pertinent issues within each space. The extensive range of topics is sure to cater to the needs of the diverse, international audience. Another highlight of the tracks will be Fireside Chats, short capsule interviews with women, offering insights across domains like online business models, the future of cloud, VC funding and more.
 WiSTEM - Women In STEM Conference 2017
Women in STEM Conference and Awards 2017 will host The Pitch exclusively for the women led tech start-ups where majority stockholding is with women. The Pitch intends to provide innovative and scalable women-led early stage tech start-ups an unparalleled opportunity to present their ideas in front of potential investors. They would also get tips from the experts to transform their start-ups to investment-worthy business propositions and successful sustainable businesses.

The applications would go through a rigorous process of screening and only shortlisted start-ups would be invited to present their start-ups in front of a judging panel, comprising of highly accomplished investors, VCs, and representatives from Corporate and Government. The Pitch envisages building an environment that promotes and facilitates women entrepreneurs to reach their true potential and create an ecosystem of innovation.

To qualify for pitch to investors, please submit the form below here

The iUeMagazine team is delighted to work with the WiSTEM as Online Media Partners & is expected to bring Unlimited Inspiration for all readers from the proceedings of this event. Staying tuned to the enriching updates from this event is recommended. WiSTEM attendees get free access to MWC exhibits.

WiSTEM is an Affiliate Partner of Mobile World Congress Americas –

MWC Americas will debut September 12-14, 2017 in San Francisco at the Moscone Center and will be the premier mobile industry event for the Americas.

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