into your Business/Organisation at the earliest
So here is a Short Presentation:

July 20: 5 POWER Lessons From 5 Leaders Who Made History On This DAY!
1. “Change if you want to experience ‘better’ in your life. But never do it just because the situation demands.”

John Reith, 1st Baron Reith never hesitated to change as his dream was to better his life. He was expected to carry strict Presbyterian religious convictions forward into his adult life. Change for better was what he believed in. After serving as a part time soldier without having any broadcasting experience, he entered as a general manager at BBC (British Broadcasting Company Ltd.). The British broadcasting executive who established the tradition of independent public service broadcasting learnt and coped with ways which could make a difference.
2. “Always remember that you will definitely be successful. It is just that life is giving you a little more time to plan your success celebration.”

Failing never meant that Vehbi Koç could never win but it meant that his victory was procrastinated for his own well. The Turkish entrepreneur and philanthropist was the founder of the Koç Group, one of Turkey’s largest groups of companies. He began by working in a small grocery store. He rose after falling and fought after failing. It was this attitude of his that made him establish his first firm. Working as a local representative of Ford Motor Company and Standard Oil, he gathered many enterprises under his company. Being one of Turkey's richest citizens, he also an Eye Bank.
3. “Your thoughts align you with your inner self. What you think right now forms the basis for your next thought.”

Eugenio López Sr. raised his every action by planning it in his mind. Thinking in terms of what would help him, the leading figure in the Philippines was also called as the Father of Philippine Television. Holding the pride of founding the Lopez Group of Companies was a result of using his mind power in cultivating an apt thought process. The first president of the Rotary Club began as a provincial bus operator. he supported his life by thinking about how he could invite success.
4. “If you want to reach the shore of success then you got to swim across every tide in the ocean amidst all the dangers and difficulties.”

Reaching his destination called success, Elliot Lee Richardson joined hands with courage and willpower to dive through struggles and miseries just to fulfill the essence of his life. The American lawyer and politician was a member of the cabinet of Presidents. The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare demanded all his determination, patience and offered a challenge at every single instant which he went through. Excelling at managing such huge responsibilities was possible for him only because he accepted, faced and learnt from the problems and troubles which he had to encounter.
5. “Never lose out on what’s on plate while you are busy dreaming bigger and aiming higher.”

Tadeusz Reichstein framed and built his life using his present opportunities. He looked at where he was in order to move towards where he wanted to be. The Polish-Swiss chemist and the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine laureate never missed the moon while counting the stars. He worked on synthesizing vitamin C (ascorbic acid) which is now called the Reichstein process, without overlooking on his bigger tomorrow. Recognitions and elevations decorated his life automatically when he accepted the small but transforming opportunities.Conclusion: Everybody are blessed with the same life. The way each one of us live it is what makes it different. When you’ve got the hold of the path that takes you to success, when you know what is required to traverse along the this path, then what is stopping you from lighting your life with success? (Source:
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