I make a wish

Every time I look at the stars and enjoy its sparkle
I wish you would be near me and hold me close and tickle.

Every time I see a lovely couple standing by
I wish you would be next to me holding my hands tight.

Every time I hear the church bells ring
I wish u were kneeling next to me and praying with me for a while.

Every time I am depressed
I wish you would be near me patting my back and saying all will be fine.

Every time I hear the patter of rains
I wish you would be next to me dancing in the rain and laughing aloud.

Every time I want to play
I wish you would be the on the other side passing the ball.

Every time I pen down my thoughts
I wish you would be the first one to read and share your thoughts.

Every time I make a wish
I wish you would be Here

You are miles apart from me
Yet you remain in my heart

Far or near
Now and forever

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. A part [small/large] could be AI generated content at times and it's inevitable today. If you have a feedback particularly with regards to that, feel free to let us know. This article was first published here on 10th July 2017.
Sonal Lobo
Sonal Lobo is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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