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How to Read a Form Guide to Place the Best Horse Racing Bets?

Do you like betting on thoroughbreds? If yes, then you’re not alone. People have been betting on horses since ages and today thousands of people indulge in horse racing betting each day.
If horse racing betting is your passion, then you should put your passion to good use and make a profit out of it. Some people say that you can’t get rich by betting on horse racing but they’re wrong. You can get rich by betting on horse racing but only if you know the right ways of placing a bet. To place a bet in a profitable manner, you need the right combination of skills and knowledge.

How can I place the best bets?

Horse Racing Talking about skills and knowledge, one of the most important things that you need to know as a horse racing bettor is how to read a form guide. By understanding how to read a form guide, you will be able to place the best horse racing bets. So, what is a form guide and how to read it? let’s find out. If you’re not familiar with horse racing, then understanding the form guides used to place a bet on them can be a bit of a challenge for you. However, by providing you key information about the form guide, we hope to make you familiar with the guide.

What does a form guide include?

Learning how to read a form guide is important if you want to make an informed selection in horse racing betting. Below, we discuss the things a typical form guide includes and what each thing on the guide indicates.

On the top of the form guide, you will find a blue ticker. The ticker reveal the race in which the horse will run. 1-9 on the form guide indicates that the horse finished the race in 1st to 9th position. Following are some of the other things on the form guide and what they indicate.

0=finished the race in lower than 9th place
S= indicted a three-month racing spell
F= indicates that the horse fell during the race
P=indicates the horse was pulled up during the race
L=indicates that the jockey fell off the horse during the race
BR= represents the barrier each horse starts from
Jockey= the rider of the horse
Wgt= the weight carried by the horse during the race
T=indicates that the horse has won before at the same track
X= indicates that the horse hasn’t started in a race for three months or more
C=indicates that the horse won before at the same track and at the same race distance
D= indicates that the horse won before at the same race distance but at a different track
N= indicates that the horse has won before at night race meeting
H=Indicates that the horse is trained on the same track
B= indicates that the horse started favourite during its last race but did not winThere you have it—how to read a form guide. By using the aforementioned-information, you will be able to place a horse racing bet in a profitable manner.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 17th July 2017.

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