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So here is a Short Presentation:

Breaking All The Rules: Rachael Richey

What inspired you to write this book?

I had been wanting to try my hand at a romantic comedy, my daughter was getting married at the time, and it gave me a couple of ideas to explore regarding the lead up to a wedding. None of the events in the book happened to my daughter, I hasten to add!

Breaking All The Rules was the result.

The earliest incidents you recall from your life where you first felt you had a writer in you?

I used to write little stories about my toys and loved doing it. I always had a story in my head.

Who do you think are the ideal readers for this book?

Anyone who appreciates romance and comedy, but mostly female I guess.

What changed in your life most noticeably after you became an author?

Nothing really changed per se, but I definitely had more confidence when I realized I could achieve my dream

What kind of schedules you had while doing this book? How many hours did it all take?

I'm not good at setting times to write, I just write when and where the mood takes me. However, with this book, I did write 50k words of it during NaNoWriMo.

What's the one great hack from your journey of becoming an author that you can share with other authors?

Always read your work throughout loud when you're editing. It helps to show anywhere where the writing doesn't flow and to highlight mistakes.

Authors Paradize Breaking All the Rules

My husband, two children, my best friend, and my sister. My best friend and my sister are always the first people to read my books before they are published.

Your personal favorite inspiring quote of your own?

I don't really have a favorite quote I'm afraid.

An advice for all other aspiring writers

Don't ever give up and don't get disheartened by rejections. We all get them. Lots of them.

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