Authors' Paradize
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THE (IN)FIDELITY FACTOR: Points to Ponder Before You Cheat by Elda M.Lopez

Authors Paradize Stories

What inspired you to write this book?

I became annoyed with infidelity running rampant in all walks of life. Also, I have experience on both sides of the fence. I wanted to share what I've researched, and learned, to inspire infidelity prevention.

The earliest incidents you recall from your life where you first felt you had a writer in you?

In elementary school (USA), I used to write poems and stories for school and myself. It's always been a part of my life, albeit with plenty of starts and stops. My book had a specific purpose, so this time I didn't stop.

Who do you think are the ideal readers for this book?

As my back cover states, "For those who have a desire to know, and those in the throes of desire." My book is for anyone who is conflicted about the role of (in)fidelity in a committed relationship and would like to seriously explore the benefits of a healthy one as a better option.
Authors Paradize Stories

What changed in your life most noticeably after you became an author?

The awareness of other people's infidelity experiences and backstories. I thought I was well-informed and balanced, but I had to expand my way of thinking to accommodate these stories. They were diverse, thought-provoking, and immensely eye-opening.

Globally, I didn't realize so much death and destruction (internally and externally) were a part of infidelity. Also, the residual trickle-down effects that bleed into society at large. There are many. Most don't understand or care to look at these aspects, yet they're very real.

What kind of schedules you had while doing this book? How many hours did it all take?

Working from home requires discipline, consistency, and setting boundaries. I managed, but finding a system was definitely a work in progress. I eventually settled on six hours a day writing. Some days more, some days less, depending. Everyone has their comfort zone and should adjust accordingly. During "off hours," I'd jot down notes or email myself bits and pieces of info for future reference. I still have a pile of information waiting for their next life.

Overall, I started my book in March 2012 and finished the last week of December 2012. I was on a mission. Still am!

Authors Paradize Stories

What's the one great hack from your journey of becoming an author that you can share with other authors?

I self-published. My experience is different from those who publish traditionally.

Maybe not a hack, but if you're going to self-publish, arm yourself with knowledge regarding costs, marketing, and publicity beforehand. As a side note, I tried to go the traditional route after my book was on the open market and didn't realize a book proposal, which is a huge undertaking (I didn't do it alone), is also needed to present to potential agents.

Who are the 5 people you would like to acknowledge & thank that mattered most on your journey to becoming an author?

It's hard to single people out. I have much appreciation and gratitude for all involved in the process: family, friends, amazing hired hands, contributors (quotes, surveys, stories), so many people! I was fortunate to be surrounded by a great group who cheered me on, gave feedback, and supported my cause. However, there is one person, D.J.D., whose input on many levels contributed to my book becoming a reality. Eternally grateful.

Authors Paradize Stories

Your personal favorite inspiring quote of your own? 

"Cheat, defeat, repeat." At first glance, it doesn't seem inspiring, but it brings to light the unproductive behavior when infidelity becomes a pattern. My message of infidelity prevention wants to break that cycle - there's the inspiration.

An advice for all other aspiring writers

Anything is possible. Be consistent, confident, and compelled. Keep writing!

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 14th July 2020.

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