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Creating StartUp Identity: Brand Creation With Great Visuals

Branding Tips for Startups
Creating start up identity: best tips on brand creation in terms of visuals

What’s a brand identity? Is it a logo? Is it a color? A symbol for your services and company – or, maybe, all that? It’s actually all that—and more.

What is brand identity?

More than an inspired combination of a logo, words, colors and symbols, a brand identity is your personality. The way you differentiate yourself from your competition and also a visual way to communicate with the world. In short, think about your brand image as the way you want your prospective customers to see you, how you wish your company or business to present itself to the public.

Creating startup identity: best tips on brand creation in terms of visuals

What’s a brand identity? Is it a logo? Is it a color? A symbol for your services and company – or, maybe, all that? It’s actually all that—and more.

What is a brand identity?

More than an inspired combination of a logo, words, colors, and symbols, a brand identity is your personality. The way you differentiate yourself from your competition and also a visual way to communicate with the world. In short, think about your brand image as the way you want your prospective customers to see you, how you wish your company or business to present itself to the public.

How to build a brand identity – in terms of visuals

Although the process may seem complicated or intimidating, branding is a perfect opportunity for you to give your brand a life – exactly the way you’ve always dreamed.

Ready for best tips on brand creation in terms of visual? Let’s go!

1. Testimonials

Think about who your ideal customers are – and concentrate on presenting your brand in a friendly, visual way that reveals you have the perfect solution/service/product for them. You may dedicate a little corner of your website to testimonials of happy clients. Photos or videos of them are so welcome! Why? Because prospective customers need evidence of the efficiency of your services. Feedback from others who use your products or services is important, as it increases brand credibility.

2. Bring your personality visually

Now, that you have understood who your audience is and what you have to offer in order to catch them and keep them satisfied, the great challenge becomes 'how to do it'. And the answer is: think about how your personality would look like! Are you a flower? A sunny beach, an orange? Are you a dreamer – or are you as strong as steel? As they are associated with durability, power, innovation, and intelligence, geometric shapes are also a good idea when it comes to brand personality. Let them see you, bring your personality in terms of visuals. They really need to see who you are, who are they talking about, who’s the brain behind the brand. Be an authentic image of your brand. It’s your brand’s personality that makes most customers loyal.

If you could have a spokesman for your brand, who would it be? Ask yourself this question and you’ll immediately find the perfect tone and messaging to use on Social Media and also when you create a newsletter! Start visualizing things – and you’ll know exactly how to create them.

Once you imagine this and start expressing your personality visually, things start moving. Words are, of course, important, but visual branding is more than just writing a good story. When it comes to building and promoting brand identity, the visual side really is important.

Branding Tips for Startups

What all should get included in your Visual Identity?

Every brand is unique. Everyone brings something very personal, but basically, a visual identity should – anyway – include: a logo – the visual mark that reflects your work and who you are; colors - a highly important element of branding – for it creates emotion; different font – to catch them in your story, images related to the services it offers – as people love pictures, your brand communicates better through images, video - behind-the-scenes videos would be a great idea to attract and keep customers; and web design- good web design is good UX.

Think about how you can play and mix the colors, symbols, and words on your site - in order to reveal the key points of your personality. The way to get recognized as a brand leader is putting together words and images, then crafting a powerful and authentic story – and tell it, over and over again, to anyone who will listen. It’s your dream and it’s for sure something you really want to talk about. Do it wisely!

3. Keep it simple

Your visual identity doesn’t have or need to be complicated. Temptation is big, I know, but, when you have too many things going on, your audience may become confused and skip the whole information. Keep in mind the most important thing: keep it simple - and remove everything from your visual identity that does not contribute to your brand personality. Be a distinct image, and a unique voice, the inner voice is better inspiration than what other people did before you! Building a brand for your startup can be scary. But...take a deep breath: there are lots of frameworks and other tools that help you create successful startup branding.

4. Innovation

Your company needs innovation as much as you need air. Yes, exactly! You must always take care of the things you can change, improve your services/products, and find the best solutions for your customers. And, by the way, the best solution is constantly changing…

Innovation also means innovative people to work with and an open mind to accept and develop fresh ideas and a strong brand identity always actual. Having as many as possible brainstorming sessions could be a great idea to keep things on top.If you do not find enough inspiration for it, or fall short of a mentor, you have Simus Ventures CEO - Sujit Lalwani, who loves brainstorming with young startup founders.

5. Be bold

Fortune favors the bold, they say. Well, why would be different when it comes to brand identity? Being bold means taking chances and step away from common solutions and trends. Branding isn’t fashion. You don’t have to follow the trends. Actually, is fashion even asking for this anymore?

Following your inner voice, your ideas, your sparkle, that ”something” that could be so risky, here’s what makes you bold and show your customers you an industry leader. Learn to embrace chances, changes, risk, and courage. You don’t have to follow any path, you are welcome to create your own. In the end, Bolding is a state of mind. As with anything… in business, you often don’t get things right from the first time. 

Don't stop reinventing yourself, be the best friend of your ideas, and don’t forget: Branding is storytelling! Tell people about you and your passion, in the most creative way.

Copyrights © 2024 Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine

Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 30th July 2020.
Ana Sorina Corneanu
My name is Ana, I love writing, I believe in our best self and love.

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