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Using ASMR As A Social Media Marketing Tool

Using ASMR As A Social Media Marketing Tool A quick scroll through any social media platform will probably introduce you to a concept you probably haven’t heard of before (or you might be an addict - there’s no in-between); ASMR. The full form of the term is Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response - and the response some people have to a type of extremely popular video content. The sensation is described as a relaxing feeling that has some sedative effect as well. Given the popularity of these videos, they can be used very effectively as a marketing tool on social media.

How Popular Are ASMR videos?

Given their popularity, ASMR videos can help anyone get Instagram likes, grow their YouTube channel, or boost their Facebook account. These videos are popular on every social media website, with millions of daily viewers. Some users claim they watch the same ASMR videos multiple times because they use the content to help them relax before sleep.

Marketing Through ASMR

It is easy to use a brand name within any ASMR video, or include a logo. This is an excellent way to increase brand recognition. While this type of marketing involves little to no promotional communication, mentioning a brand in a good setting can help keep the brand in the consumer’s subconscious. For example, if you are making a slime video, mentioning the brand name of the dyes you are using is enough for the viewer to remember it when they need to purchase that type of dye.

Types Of ASMR videos

Using ASMR As A Social Media Marketing Tool Many videos tagged “oddly satisfying” can be considered ASMR-type videos. There is a great variety in this type of video, but the most important thing to focus on is to have stimulating audio and video included. Most ASMR content creators use a special type of microphone that picks up on small noises, or a type called a binaural microphone. The latter is a microphone that captures sound very much as human ears would - so it receives different input for the left and right sides.
These are a few of the most common types of ASMR videos:

  • Whispering: many videos incorporate whispering in a soft, relaxed tone. This can be the narration to a number of different things, such as cooking or even just discussing a normal everyday topic.
  • Painting and other visual triggers: the majority of ASMR videos use visual triggers heavily, which can include a variety of methods such as painting, playing with slime, cutting soap, or even mixing pigments for makeup.
  • Food preparation: some videos go beyond normal food preparation tutorials, and focus on the aesthetic and sounds you hear when preparing food. In other words, recipes are presented in a more visually pleasing way, with ASMR triggering sound recording.
  • Nature videos: these are videos that show anything that has to do with nature - the sea, fruits, forests, mountains. All the sounds you hear in a forest are a relaxing trigger for many people, so it is not surprising that this theme is used in ASMR videos.
How Effective IS ASMR?

While the concept is relatively new, many people advocate the use of ASMR to help in meditation, stress. There are a few scientific studies about the phenomenon, but not everyone experiences these triggers. Additionally, different people react to ASMR videos differently. Nonetheless, these videos remain popular - which is the reason they can be effective in building brand awareness through social media. Creating this type of video can be relatively cheap as well, so marketing teams need not worry too much about the budget aspect of their social media marketing campaign. Because the videos are triggering (in a positive way), the consumer’s subconscious will associate any brand name mentioned with a positive attitude, further enhancing brand image. While the concept is relatively new, many people advocate the use of ASMR to help in meditation, stress. There are a few scientific studies about the phenomenon, but not everyone experiences these triggers. Additionally, different people react to ASMR videos differently.
Nonetheless, these videos remain popular - which is the reason they can be effective in building brand awareness through social media. Creating this type of video can be relatively cheap as well, so marketing teams need not worry too much about the budget aspect of their social media marketing campaign. Because the videos are triggering (in a positive way), the consumer’s subconscious will associate any brand name mentioned with a positive attitude, further enhancing brand image.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 23rd July 2021.

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