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A Different Path for Inventors

The law of nature of survival of the fittest is found even in the industrial sector. The strong and powerful survive and wipe out the small and powerless. The powerful organizations not only attract more resources, but also more admirers and supporters. They are able to lobby with governments and get the funds diverted to their desired sectors. They are also able to amass huge intellectual properties. Many times, their growth need not result in growth of humanity or growth of happiness on the planet. Something good for the environment and good for the humanity need not be strong enough to survive.  
A Different Path for Inventors
Research institutions spread all over the country are busy in inventing new techniques and new methodologies to support industries and organisations. Some are preparing new rockets; some are busy in preparing new mass scale production systems to reduce cost of production. They all deserve applause. However, the technologies that can help the large companies will work against the people working at grass root level. Large scale production systems will wipe out cottage industries and creative initiatives of the common people. Therefore in some way, the path of progress also leads to the path of destruction.

Most research institutions are pursuing this path and continue to help the large companies in creating systems that would replace the traditional skills based cottage crafts. As these research institutions progress, others follow them and get inspired from them. There is huge flow of funds to help these institutions and those who help also get support from various funding agencies. Research institutions are evaluated on the basis of their industry linkages and on the basis of intellectual properties generated by them – not on the basis of their overall impact on happiness in our planet.

Thus the research institutions get enough incentives to pursue mega-research projects. New researchers also aspire to make their impact in these sectors. The governments also wish to support these initiatives to attract more FDI and to invite larger companies to invest in their countries.  Mass scale production systems cause substantial damage to the environment due to use of harmful chemicals, technologies and production process. In a spirit to produce more quantity, they employ unethical technologies. However, they are also able to escape the regulators because they are able to invest in tree plantation and other neutralizing activities. They get appreciations for their contributions to the environment.

A spiraling chain has started, which would never end probably. The ultimate impact of these spiraling networks is visible on the lives of the poorest of the countries. These poorest people possess most sustainable technologies. These persons have the best understanding of the nature and environment and they help preserve and protect the environment.   However, they cannot survive due to lack of support from anyone and due to competition from the large systems. They are unable to maintain proper accounts and proper online systems; thereby they face the problem of extinction in the modern era of digital transactions.

But I am here to present special appreciations to those who are thinking about developing technologies for people working at grass root level. However, they face personal hardships and difficulties – because it is like a race against the tide. One such technologist is Mr. Ashok Ramani, who has developed new wheels for potters, whereby they can increase their productivity. Mr. Ramani has developed a “Load Distributor” for workers, who can feel more comfort while lifting weight. Mr. Ramani has created Deafosis for deaf people to enable them to drive bike. He has created a shock absorbing belt for bike riders so that they don’t face shocks of speed breakers while riding their bikes. Mr. Ramani continues to develop new technologies for common people. He is currently busy in developing new tri-cycles for physically challenged persons, which will enable them to drive with ease. The classmates of Mr.  Ramani are serving MNCs and preparing new technologies for mass scale systems, but Mr. Ramani is busy in preparing technologies for the common people to enable them to survive.

We must support through our small means all such initiatives, which would contribute to overall happiness among people in our planet. If development of a new technology can contribute to the development of the people at the bottom of our systems, it must be appreciated and supported. Environment friendly traditional cottage crafts were wiped out because of lack of support from people like us. Lets protect those who still survive and struggle in their battle. 

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Dr. Trilok Kumar Jain
Dr. Trilok Kumar Jain is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazin

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