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Mission vs Vision Statements: What Are The Key Differences?

Mission vs Vision Do you know the difference between a mission statement and a vision statement?

If not, don't worry - many business owners don't either. This blog post will discuss the critical differences between these two essential pieces of your business plan. A mission statement is focused on what your company does. In contrast, a vision statement is focused on where you want your company to go. These statements are important for guiding your business in the right direction.

Why are Mission and Vision Statements Important?

A mission statement is crucial because it gives your company a sense of purpose. It answers the question "Why do we exist?" and helps to guide your company's decisions.

A vision statement is also essential because it sets the direction for your company. It answers the question "Where do we want to be in the future?" and helps you create a roadmap for your company's growth.

Key Differences between Mission and Vision Statements

Now that we've discussed the importance of mission and vision statements, let's take a closer look at the key differences between these two types of messages:

1. Mission statements are focused on the present, while vision statements are focused on the future

To start, mission statements are all about what your company does right now. They describe your company's purpose and help to guide your decisions.

On the other hand, vision statements are focused on where you want your company to be in the future. They provide a roadmap for growth and help you to set goals for your business.

While both of these statements are important, you may find that one is more important for your business than the other. For example, suppose you're just starting. In that case, your mission statement will be more important because it will help to guide your decisions in the early stages of your business.

However, if you've been in business for a while and have a good sense of where you want to be, your vision statement will be more important. This is because it will help you set goals and create a plan for getting there.

2. Mission statements are specific and measurable, while vision statements are more general and abstract.

Mission vs Vision Another critical difference between these two types is that mission statements are specific and measurable, while vision statements are more general and abstract.

This means that you should be able to answer specific questions about your company's mission, such as "What do we do?" or "How do we do it?".

On the other hand, vision statements are more general and difficult to measure. For example, a vision statement might be "To be the leading provider of XYZ products globally."

While this is a great goal, it's hard to say how you will know if you've achieved it. This is why mission statements are often seen as more important - they help you measure your progress and make sure you're on track.

3. Mission statements have a short time frame, while vision statements have a long time frame.

Timeline is another difference between mission and vision statements. Mission statements have a shorter time frame because they focus on what you're doing now.

Vision statements have a longer time frame because they focus on where you want to be in the future. This is why it's essential to review your vision statement regularly and update it as needed.

Which One Should You Focus On?

Now that you know the key differences between mission and vision statements, you might be wondering which one you should focus on.

The answer is that it depends on your company's needs.

Remember that both mission and vision statements are essential no matter which one you focus on. They serve different purposes, but they help guide your company's decisions and set the direction for your business.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are some key differences between mission and vision statements. However, both of these statements are important for guiding your business. Remember to review your statements regularly and update them as needed. And if you're ever unsure which one to focus on, just remember that mission statements are all about what you're doing now, while vision statements are all about where you want to be.Mission vs Vision

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 24th March 2022.
Pub Engine
Pub Engine is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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