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'Confidence Personified' - Nirmala Ronanki

A true reflection of what a great platform can do to a great mind. Here she stands today, 'Confidence Personified'. Read the story of a girl who now believes that there is nothing that cannot be accomplished and she talks about how she has evolved.
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“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. Since childhood, Albert Einstein has been my role model and this quote of his inspired me a lot”, says Nirmala Ronanki. A third year engineering student pursuing her course in Information Technology has been an inspirational idol herself and provides fillip to her peers.

Being an apple of her father’s eye, she always had that support from her family who showered their trust in everything that she did. Accordingly, her life has been full of benchmarks that she set for herself. She was a topper right from her schooling and always achieved the mark of excellence in academics. A hardworking girl who was happy with what fate has chosen for her, as she never picked up the course she is presently enrolled in. However, she has started developing interest towards Information Technology and is working towards achieving pinnacles in this particular field, a quality of a true champion.

A day to remember in the calendar of her life, was the day when she happened to attend a conference of Mr.Sujit Lalwani, the international youth icon, who is an international speaker and a serial entrepreneur. She says, “That conference has been a turning point of my life. That very moment, I decided that I should be a part of this great platform i3 and should be a True IUITE.” With the encouragement of her dad who has been a supporting pillar in her life, she became an i3 delegate. That’s how it all began.
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i3 - An incredible journey of 14 weeks. Even today she brings back those memories where a Sunday morning, unlike the usual lazy day of the week for extra sleep, filled you with loads and loads of inspirational fuel that could last for a lifetime. Through these conferences she met some distinguished personalities and carried out some innovative projects. The two most important projects that she executed were financial literacy and computer literacy. Financial literacy was the project that made her believe that there is nothing called impossible and she has that power within herself to reach out to huge targets. Through the project, she impacted more than 1000 lives on a single day.

“The task of spreading Computer Literacy holds a special place in my heart” she adds. It was all about going back to the same school which taught her how to take those first steps into the world, and now she stands there as a transformed individual with the vision to create many more such young pistons shooting out success stories to the world from the same school. She shares with us that it was a proud moment when her teachers applauded her for the exemplary work that she carried out. She adds that when they expressed pride in having taught her as a kid, it almost filled her eyes with tears of joy and was a dream come true.
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She had interactions with a number of counselors who shared their ups and downs of life and the stone filled roads to success during the i3 conferences. Quoting a few of them, she named Mr. Nithin Reddy, whose life story has been a ceaseless journey with struggles that he faced coming from a poor background and reaching the heights of glory today. She was also inspired by Mr. Ashok Shankar Rathod, founder of OSCAR foundation for the kind of impact that he is creating on people with a selfless motive and doubtlessly he continues to change the face of the country with his phenomenal work.

Talking about the most special moment for Nirmala was, when she was declared as a true iuite in i3; She says that she firmly believed in herself and was confident that she would receive that golden tag. Nirmala says that she was already a true iuite by heart with the kind of foot prints that she could leave on the society around her and also the way she revolutionized her thinking process. “I was the first one to be called among all other true iuites and being shortlisted among a large group of delegates is definitely memorable”, says Nirmala.

Her biggest dream is running her own company one day and bringing to the world some innovative technologies in the field of Information Technology. She wants to bring a change in the thought process of people, the society where people aren’t judgemental about anything, and will instead identify a person’s uniqueness and encourage him/her. In a nut shell, she says that the platform i3 has changed her altogether and has made her a better individual. The comparison that can be drawn to the girl Nirmala, who she was before joining i3 and who she is after the completion of i3 defines how much a need is, a platform for today's youngsters.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 4th March 2016.
Interning IJ Sowparnika Koka
A spirited individual who believes in passing the learned lessons to the world.

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