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So here is a Short Presentation:

Truly Indian Marketing : Retaining Customers through Quality

Can business grow without the modern advertising and marketing? Can business survive without resorting to modern marketing strategies? How will the traditional business organistions survive? What's unique about Indian Marketing Strategies? As an answer to these questions, I shall present a case study of a business firm "M/s Pukhraj Baid" which is India's leading firm in the field of Kundan Jewellery.

A study of this firm will certainly put you in deep love with amazing Indian business acumen and practices. Traditional Indian business organisations have not practiced modern marketing, but what they practise is nothing less important and therefore deserves appreciations and attention.
Pukhraj Baid Jewellery
M/s Pukhraj Baid started as a small firm to develop Kundan Jewellery and other related art (similar other jewellery arts including Jadau, Polki etc.) based jewellery in 1961. From a small beginning to the position of leadership, a journey worth emulating. However, what is worth mentioning is that till date, this firm has not resorted to any advertising, publicity or other modern tools of marketing. How has this firm grown and survived? A student of modern business management would wonder at its amazing growth and sustainaiblity. How can an organisation survive without modern marketing? The principles adopted by this firm are simple : -
a. exceed the expectations of the customers
b. maintain highest ethical standards about quality, purity, and contents of products delivered
c. customisation as per the requirements of the customers
d. continuous research on product development, innovation and product designing.

The above simple looking principles have enabled this firm to rise beyond imagination and to retain customers for over five decades. No customer, which has even once joined this firm, has left this firm. Serving the same customes year after year, decade after decade and exceeding the expectations and aspirations of the customers is the routine work in this firm.

Traditional Indian art-work is dying and needs support and patronage. M/s Pukhraj Baid has acquired expertise in traditional Indian art and designing. Kundan is a type of traditional art of jewellery making. Maintaining an age old heritage art, yet introducing required changes, modifications, innovations and creative designs without compromising the essense of the heritage is itself a great challenge.

Born on 19 January 1935, Mr. Pukhraj Baid was excellent in studies but he could study only till class 6th. At a tender age, he started taking training in art and craft of jewellery and related fields under mentorship of an established jeweller Mr. B L Khajanchi. He got training for fourteen years and then started his own firm M/s Pukhraj Baid. When he was about to start his own firm, his mentor Mr. Khajanchi gave him three Lessons, which Mr. Baid followed throughout his life : -
a. always be accurate in mentioning the measurements of every jewellery item
b. if necessary, mention complete costing of the product
c. never present a product to someone without solicitation even if you know that someone is in search of a jewellery item.
Pukhraj Baid Jewellery
These three principles remained the fundamental principles of the firm M/s Pukhraj Baid. He was able to win the hearts of his customers through these three principles. He didn't open any showroom, nor did he appoint any agent or broker. He didn't create websites for e-commerce, nor did he adopt other modern tools of marketing. His basic approach of talking direct to the customers and preparing unique products for the customers remained his business practice. Within his life time, he could have his customers across the country and beyond, after making a very small and humble beginning. Some of India's richest people, who can afford jewellery from anywhere across the globe, still cling to M/s Pukhraj Baid and get the unique products they seek for themselves. Every jewellery is unique for the customer and extensive research and discussions take place before the final product is delivered. This process results in consummation of art, heritage and innovation. The age old Indian business practice takes its finest shape in M/s Pukhraj Baid.
Mr. Pukhraj Baid lost his father very early, and didn't have anyone else to support him in his business, but the principles of his business helped him in overcoming all barriers. He took his last breath on 26/3/2016, but his business organisation will survive due to strong foundation of principles, that he has laid. M/s Pukhraj Baid has achieved many awards and distinctions in the field of Heritage Jewellery, but in my opinion its ability to retain and practice amazing Indian business practice of "customisation for customer delight" will remain its most important contribution to the field of management. His two sons and the pillars of M/s Pukhraj Baid, Mr. Kanhaiya Lal and Mr. Sushil are committed to continue and nurture the age-old Indian 

perfection in every bit
precision in every design
accuracy in every measurement
hard-work for finest detailing
no shops, no showrooms
no marketing, no publicity
no agents, no brokers
direct to the customers
where makers and customers are one to one
where customers are free to innovate
where makers are free to experiment
age old Indian style
salutations to heritage
salutations to art, culture and traditions

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Dr. Trilok Kumar Jain
Dr. Trilok Kumar Jain is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazin

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