5G World 2016: Evolving LTE Networks to power the IoT revolution

With LTE now deployed in nearly every major market, operators, vendors and consumers are already looking to 5G to help deliver the services expected in 2020 and beyond. 5G World 2016, 29-30 June 2016, Olympia London, co-located with Connected Cars 2016, will bring together 1000s of attendees and companies from the 5G ecosystem to progress the 5G conversation and evolve networks to achieve the 2020 vision.

Over the last decade, LTE has enabled operators to provide a raft of new services to consumers who have jumped at the chance to consume more and more data at ever increasing speeds and increased reliability. But in order to meet the ever-growing demand not just for mobile bandwidth, but also to enable the M2M communications of smart cities, autonomous cars, the IoT, and many other applications, transformation in network technology and architecture will be required.
5G World 2016
5G World is a unique opportunity to discover and discuss the products and solutions that will shape the future of the industry, attend free live demonstrations, theatres, speaker interviews and product launches.

What use cases are enabled by 5G? Take part in the 5G Live Demo Zone, showcasing live demonstrations of the products and solutions that 5G Networks will enable, including robotics, construction, future cars, healthcare applications, and smart cities.

At the 5G Live Theatre, located right at the heart of the show, participants will discover proof of concept demonstrations on key elements of 5G networks, including: SDN, NFV, MEC, new RAN Architectures and much more.

Premium conference pass holders will also be able to participate in 9 dedicated content tracks covering Road to 5G, IoT Connect, LTE Service Evolution, Cloud RAN & Virtualisation, HetNet 2020, Spectrum, Security & Roaming, and Network Optimisation.

Hear from c-suite executives from Telefonica Europe, Ericsson, Tata Motors, NTT Docomo, VimpelCom, Deutsche Telekom and many more, discussing the latest cutting edge technologies, developments and thinking in LTE and 5G.

Five informative Focus Days, covering Antenna Evolution, Next-Gen Signaling, Operator Mindshare, IoT Forum and the GSA 5G Workshop also provide premium participants the opportunity to network, debate and delve deeper into key trends and issues facing the industry.
Adrian Scrase, CTO, ETSI, HEAD OF MCC, 3GPP said 3GPP enthusiastically supports 5G World 2016 in its endeavor to deliver a conference and exhibition that will help define the 5G ecosystem.”

In a recent interview, said “It’s always good to meet and greet my colleagues and the different operators. There are often also the occasional surprises – companies you may not have heard about. For instance, in the 5G area my expectation is there are at least 100 small companies in Silicon Valley and in other innovative hubs trying to create new applications for NFV, and I would like to meet some of those disruptors at 5G World.”

“The event reinforced our understanding of the market, and operator/vendor status and preferences” said Volker Held, Head of 5G Market Development at Nokia.

Visit the 5G World website to discover more and register today.

Contact 5gmarketing@informa.com for further information.

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