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Bow from which Living Arrows are sent Forth - Prativa Rani

Many a times, all you need is a person who can listen to you and show you the right path. Here is a tutor, a caregiver, a nurturer and more of an awakener than a teacher - Prativa Rani. Plunge into the article to know more.
Every student of hers remembers her as a person who can fill a pupil’s heart with courage and positivity. For she gives them those lessons that no textbook or website can ever provide; priceless lessons of real life, her own experiences, mistakes she has committed, hurdles she has crossed. They are a treasure to any student.

But what is more inspiring is what made her who she is today - a dynamic lady. Just like any other tale of a commoner, she is from a family which relied on her father’s earnings. It was a smooth sail until the viscious storm that hit in the form of her dad’s illness followed by his demise. She, all of a sudden found herself in the middle of a roaring ocean with fierce tides, deadly black clouds blanketing her world completely without even the slightest crack that can create a passage for moonlight. She recollects with a cracking tone that it has been the toughest period of her life. She had to face a lot of stones in the form of words from relatives. She says, “People will hate you, rate you, shake you and break you. But how strong you stand is what makes you.”
Prativa Rani
"It taught me that you need to face things alone. Take support from your own hand and stand up on your own feet. That is exactly what I did. I worked really hard to take care of my family. I had to take home tutions travelling for long distances and started earning for our daily bread. I never took help from any person but faced everythying unshrinkingly. Today I stand in front of you confidently as an independent woman. I am ready to face any kind of struggle that comes my way. The spirit earned is a result of the rough patch that obstructed my path long ago." states Prativa.

She is a spirited woman who believes that there exists a spiritual force that binds the world and is responsible for all the acts on this stage (the world). Even today when she feels low, she says that she speaks her heart out to the almighty who gives her the courage to face things alone and lightens up a road ahead. It makes her feel that she has a companion who would never leave her side, be it in tenebrosity or radiance.

During this walk in the desert with my feet burning, one shady tree I had was my teacher. She is more like my mother who could understand what I was going through and supported me all the time. It's rightly said that God sends his angels to cease your suffering and bring a ray of hope into your life.

Talking about one memorable incident in her life, she mentioned about a workshop that she happened to attend. The guide there passed a comment about the young people lying far away from the realm of life. It pricked her and she stood up to defend that destiny never filters through age and can be harsh on any person. Her words filled with wisdom and maturity fetched her applauds from the audience. She says it remains a special memory as she found herself in the dense folds of emotions during her defensive talk.
Presently she is happy with her job and is looking forward for a great future in her career. She says interacting with the students and playing a role in moulding the nation is a pleasure. "What can give your heart more joy than a person pointing at you and saying that because of you I did not give up!"  With a warm smile, she expresses her inner feeling that the satisfaction and sense of pride you get in changing the life of a student cannot be obtained in anything else, not even a huge pay.

She stands as a blueprint for the word ‘teacher’. To awaken in another human being powers, dreams beyond one’s own; To induce in others a love for that which one loves; To make of one’s inward present their future; All put together a threefold adventure like no other. Society needs a person like her who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau of life with no special weapon but her supporting words and a caring motherly touch.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 30th May 2016.
Interning IJ Sowparnika Koka
A spirited individual who believes in passing the learned lessons to the world.

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