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So here is a Short Presentation:

4 Advantages of Finding a Dentist You Can See for Years

Many people don’t have dentists they see regularly. Instead, there is a mad scramble when some sort of dental issue arises. There is wisdom in finding the right dental professional and paying a visit once or twice a year. By seeing a dentist on an ongoing basis, you get to enjoy these four perks. 

Your Dental History is in One Place

Going to a different dentist now and then means having to set up a patient file all over again. There’s the task of trying to remember what sort of work was done, the last time you had your teeth cleaned, and how long it’s been since your last dental exam. All of that is eliminated if you find a dentist and keep going for years. Everything procedure you’ve had, right down to the cleanings, are right there in the file. That means there is no doubt when the time comes for an exam or a cleaning.

You Trust the Staff

Seeing the same dentist also allows you to build rapport with the staff. You learn to trust the level of skill they bring to their work. Along with knowing your dentist is capable of dealing with everything from fillings to veneers, you can also trust the staff when you find yourself thinking “its time to schedule a teeth whitening near me in the next few weeks.”

It’s the familiarity that builds the rapport. Along with the excellent care you receive, there’s the chance to see how the staff interacts with the other patients. When you notice they are also happy with how they are treated, it makes you feel all the better about having different types of treatments under the care of the staff.

You Know Who to Call When an Emergency Arises

Without a regular dentist who knows your history, who will you call if you lose a tooth in a slip and fall accident or accidentally crack a tooth when biting into something hard? While you are in pain is not the best time to be searching online for someone who can see you immediately. If you have a dentist you trust, help is never further away than a phone call. Even on weekends, there is a way to reach out for help and find out exactly where to go.

You Get Frank Advice

The nice thing about seeing the same dentist for years is that there is no hesitancy to engage in a frank discussion if the situation calls for it. Your dentist knows how you react to certain types of news and how to bring up subjects that may be a little embarrassing or that you would rather put off for awhile. That comes in handy when a decision needs to be made now rather than later.

For example, your dentist knows it’s time for the last of your real teeth to go. That means having a discussion about the merits of dentures versus Maple Ridge dental implants before your remaining teeth can pave the way for more complications. A dentist who has invested years taking care of you will not hesitate to have the talk now and keep pressing until you make a decision.

If you don’t have a dentist presently, today is the day to find one. Schedule an appointment and arrange for your first full examination. Assuming that you like the way things go and feel comfortable with the care received, go back on a regular basis. Over time, doing so will pay off in the form of better dental health.

Do you visit your dentist regularly and is it the same dentist each time?

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