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Most Inspirational Books for Beginning Writers

Inspirational Books for Beginning Writers Writing, even though it seems easy, it comes with challenges. To improve your writing, you need to write and this is what every writer knows about the whole process. It takes time, effort, and dedication, but writing consistently is proven to improve your style, tone, way of exposing your ideas and thoughts in a catchy way, and so on.

However, even though practice makes it perfect, you can gather more inspiration and interesting ideas, and advice on writing by reading about it. You are not the first, nor the last beginner writer that wants to improve their writing skills and get inspired by some of the best writers in the world. Thankfully, there are a lot of books on writing, written by some of the greatest authors that wanted to share their tips and tricks with writing enthusiasts.

Books are a source of inspiration and motivation not only for novice writers but for photographers and other artists as well. So, which are the most inspirational books for beginning writers? We have made a list of seven books to start with.

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King

Stephen King is one of the most well-known and acclaimed writers of all time. He has written 63 novels and short stories books that have been sold in over 350 million copies around the world. So, being such a successful author of so many books, he surely has some writing strategies and advice to give to beginning writers.

His book On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft explores his own journey towards becoming one of the best novelists of our time. The second half of the book is dedicated to storytelling and to the writing techniques he uses to catch the attention of the reader and keep it engaged until the end. If you want to learn from one of the most prolific masters of writing, then you should start by reading this book.

Zen in the Art of Writing by Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury is one of the most celebrated 20 century American writers, known for its masterpiece Fahrenheit 451. However, he has written a lot of short stories that touched the souls of his readers and he is one of the best authors when it comes to SF, fantasy, and horror writers.

So, even though you might not want to write fiction books, reading Zen in the Art of Writing will teach you a lot. You can learn more about the lessons Ray Bradbury has learned during his career by reading this book. It also comes with a dose of inspiration novice writers need when they start.

Inspirational Books for Beginning Writers Nobody Wants to Read Your Shit by Steven Pressfield

Steven Pressfield is an American author that writes both fiction and non-fiction books. Even though he has just returned to writing a couple of years ago after a pause, he has quite a lot to share on this topic. Steven encourages beginning writers and not only to develop an empathy for the reader, something that will help you craft better stories.

While many books and training sessions focus on fiction storytelling, his book takes those strategies and helps you understand how to apply them in non-fiction books, articles, stories, and so on.

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

You have probably heard about the most famous book of Elizabeth Gilbert, but never associated her name with the book. Eat, Pray, Love is her memoir about a journey towards finding herself. The book was a successful one, translated into many languages, and then turned into a film. So, if you want to write better, find and connect to your inner world, and be inspired, read Big Magic. This is a book that serves as an inspiration not only for beginning writers but for any artist looking for his muse.

Inspirational Books for Beginning Writers Make Good Art by Neil Gaiman

Many beginner writers are looking for essay examples and essays to read to get inspired and learn more about the art of writing. You can find many of these on PaperAp, where you can explore a wide diversity of well-written essays. You will shortly notice that Neil Gaiman is mentioned across many essays, as he is one of the best fiction writers of today’s time. He is also an inspirational figure that delivers many speeches on the art of writing and reading, so if you want to learn from the best, read his book Make Good Art.

Shut Up and Write by Mridu Khullar Relph

There is a common misconception in today’s society that writers and all the other artists have to starve because they cannot sell their art. Well, even though this is still partially true, there are things you can do to make money from your writing.

You are still a beginner writer, but reading the book of someone who managed to start a writing career in India and then made his books and courses known in the entire world, can turn out to be really inspiring.

The Organized Writer by Antony Johnston

Well, writing is not only about forming a habit of writing every day. Nor about only finding your inspiration, muse, or mentor. It is also about how you organize your day, your writing process, and all your notes.

Even though some pieces of advice are obsolete, such as writing on paper and storing the papers in envelopes, this book is full of useful information and guidelines. You can write better if you organize your time and projects better, so why not read it?


There are so many books out there that choosing the right one for yourself and your current needs might sound complex and challenging. If you are a beginning writer in search of inspiration and practical advice on how you can improve your writing skills, this is a list of books that help you in this journey.

Start with the one you feel you have more to learn from and then discover the other books on this list too. You will be amazed by how many new strategies and writing tricks you can learn from all these authors.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 5th November 2021.

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