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3 Interesting Ways to Reduce Workplace Stress

If your content team has become inundated with their own work, they may not have the time available to perform quality control checks on things each other have accomplished. Due to this, you may want to consider the use of a freelance editor, particularly during the busier periods of the year. This will allow them to send off work or content to an individual whose sole purpose will be to check for errors. Thanks to the freelance nature of the role, this can help to keep the company’s budget down, as the individual will not be directly employed by the company. This approach gives you the flexibility to use the freelancer whenever the need arises, either as a permanent fixture or just until workloads are back under control.

You may want to set a limit to the number of days available to employees, especially if this time will still be paid. In return, the benefit to your company could be less long-term absence caused by stress or poor mental health.
Some employees may be able to better manage stress if they are able to utilize flexible working arrangements. This could involve employees working at different times if it is feasible to do so or even to work from home. Those who have families may find that their level of stress is greatly reduced if they don’t feel like they are rushed to try and make childcare arrangements around their working hours. However, the social element of working can also be important to some, which is where a hybrid setup could be helpful. You might also want to consider different working arrangements for each employee, depending on their needs and requests. Reducing stress in the workplace can be quite difficult, especially if there is a lot of work to be completed in a short amount of time. However, the benefits for both individuals and companies can be quite profound, leading to better working conditions and more positivity within your business.
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