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MOH Uganda, WHO, and Tree Adoption Uganda to Host Groundbreaking Health and Climate Change Pre-COP28 Symposium 2023

In a groundbreaking collaboration, the Ministry of Health Uganda, the World Health Organization (WHO), and Tree Adoption Uganda (TAU) are set to host a significant symposium on Health and Climate Change.

Tree Adoption Uganda The event titled "Building a Low Carbon, Climate Adaptive & Resilient Health System in Uganda" will be held on November 14, 2023, at the Protea Hotel Kampala from 9 am to 5:30 pm. Admission to the symposium is free of charge, encouraging widespread participation.

This joint initiative brings together esteemed partners, including PATH, Regenerate Africa, PACE RGB, Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU), PATHFINDER, Airqo, Hummingbird Foundation, MaKDarta, AMREF Uganda, Paul Springs, and YADNET Uganda.

The symposium aims to facilitate crucial discussions among health and environment stakeholders, focusing on strengthening health systems to combat the challenges posed by climate change effectively.

Key Themes and Distinguished Speakers

The symposium will delve into vital sub-themes such as:

- Health impacts of climate change

- Health benefits of climate mitigation

- Climate resilient low-carbon health systems

- Adaptation for health

- Action for health, relief, recovery and peace

Distinguished speakers at the event include:

- Dr. Charles Batte, Tree Adoption Uganda

- Dr. Yonas Tegegn Woldemariam, WHO Uganda

- Dr. Herbert Nabaasa, Ministry of Health Uganda

- Tom Sengalama, UNDP

- Jackson Chekweko, Executive Director RHU

Purpose and Scope of the Symposium

The symposium will serve as a platform to showcase evidence, initiatives, and solutions aimed at enhancing climate resilience within Uganda's health sector. By fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange, the event will provide valuable recommendations to guide discussions on health at the upcoming COP28 climate summit.

Encouraging Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholders from the government, United Nations, civil society, academia, and local communities are encouraged to attend and actively engage in this timely and vital discourse. The symposium aims to inspire innovative thinking, promote partnerships, and catalyze actionable strategies to address the complex intersection of health and climate change.

Opportunities for Impactful Change

By convening experts and thought leaders from diverse fields, this symposium represents a unique opportunity to drive impactful change. Through knowledge-sharing and collaboration, participants will explore innovative approaches to building climate-resilient, low-carbon health systems. The event will contribute significantly to Uganda's efforts to strengthen its healthcare infrastructure in the face of climate challenges.

Join Us at the Forefront of Climate-Resilient Healthcare

The Ministry of Health Uganda, WHO, and Tree Adoption Uganda, along with their esteemed partners, invite all concerned stakeholders to participate in this vital symposium. By joining forces, we can pave the way for a sustainable, climate-resilient health system in Uganda.

For more information, visit or contact Dr. Charles Batte, Tree Adoption Uganda at +256 700800618.

About Ministry of Health Uganda

The Ministry of Health Uganda is committed to improving the health and well-being of all Ugandans. By focusing on preventive measures, healthcare infrastructure development, and strategic partnerships, the Ministry strives to create a healthier, more resilient nation.

About World Health Organization (WHO)

The World Health Organization is a leading international health agency committed to promoting health, keeping the world safe, and serving the vulnerable. WHO works closely with countries, communities, and partners to address global health challenges and build a healthier future for all.

About Tree Adoption Uganda (TAU)

Tree Adoption Uganda is a non-profit organization dedicated to environmental conservation and climate action. Through tree-planting initiatives, awareness campaigns, and community engagement, TAU aims to create a greener, more sustainable future for Uganda and its people.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 11th November 2023.

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