Close all your backdoors if you are going to follow your passion. Make sure you have the required backup when you set
out for this adventurous journey. I think the previous two statements have already conveyed the difference between
'backup' and 'backdoor'. Many are confused whether to follow their passion or do what can yield result and reward right
at the present moment. I have tried to come up with a practical method which can help you live a life that you dream of
and let me share it with you.
Basic necessities of life are the most important to be fulfilled irrespective of whether we are passionate about what
we are doing or not. If these basic essentials can get fulfilled at the basic level pos-sible then you can definitely
think of working for the extra that you dream of. Without being able to fulfill the pressing needs of a basic life it's
even more difficult to work towards our dreams. If you are already working in the field about which you are the most
passionate about and are able to fulfill your and your family's basic necessities then continue the same without turning
back even if your income fluctuates sometimes. If you are a person like I was some days back, who is working in a field
out of necessity and not out of passion, then just calculate well if you can earn and save enough which
can support your basic needs for next one year. If you have saved this much amount of money then it will be your backup when you jump
into the field of your passion completely.
If you are spending extra apart from your basic needs being in a work and blaming that is the reason for you not being
able to work on your passion, then it's the backdoor. Backdoors are those esca-pades which you keep open under the fear
of security which will never allow you to open the front doors towards your dreams. Un-less the backdoors are shut
completely, you will never be able to work on your passion completely. If you can build one year of experience
backup in the extra time apart from your work and be able to generate at least ten percent of revenue, and also save a
backup which can support you for one year without any income from the field of your passion, then you can fearlessly
close all your back-doors and open the front doors towards the life that you always dreamt of living.
I closed all my backdoors the moment I quit my job and jumped into the field of my passion - public speaking and
entrepreneurship - and hence I am able to write this today.
Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. A part [small/large] could be AI generated content at times and it's inevitable today. If you have a feedback particularly with regards to that, feel free to let us know. This article was first published here on November 2012.
Mohan BN
Mohan BN is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.