into your Business/Organisation at the earliest
So here is a Short Presentation:

A boundry between man and machine (Robot)
Throughout the history, robotics was a fiction. Later on, few decades back we were able to develop robots to mimic human behavior, and often manage tasks in a similar fashion. But today, robotics is a rapidly growing field and robots have become a part of our daily lives indirectly.

Robotics is of course the most advanced technology which uses almost all the technologies available in the present world. The future is not written yet and who knows whether robots are dangerous or not? What is for sure is that humans, being the curious animals, will develop new advanced generations of robots. Robots and other high-performance inventions have always been of a vast interest for humanity. A great number of scientists have spent the whole life in their laboratories with one aim “to work out innovative schemes, develop them and create some highest qualitative ranking robot”. This engrossing process has reached its peak with the technical push that took place due to the endeavors of a number of brilliant and clear intellects of scientists all over the world.
We can see a huge variations in the life styles of people after the existence of robotics. Many industries replaced human workers with robots, increased the speed, efficiency and the outcome. Later on, The Robotics technology grew up more with Artificial Intelligence and started giving smart output with highest precision and accuracy. It's being used in almost all the fields, mainly in Military, health, industries and mines.
The future of robots is mere speculation, but judging from developments in recent years, the continued advancements in technology are a foregone conclusion. Robots will likely continue to impact various aspects of our lives, and scientists and philosophers continue to debate the possibilities for the human race. As artificial intelligence continues to develop, there may be a point in which robots become superior to mankind. No matter what the future holds, robots will have a place in it.
Future of Robots with humans:
The future for robots is bright. But, how will robots affect future generations? Sometimes you can get ideas for the future by looking into the past and thinking about the changes we've seen as a result of other great inventions, like the cotton gin, airplane or Internet. Perhaps one day we will have true robotic ''helpers'' that guide the blind, assist the elderly. Maybe they'll be modular devices that can switch from lawn mower to vacuum cleaner, to dish washer and window washer. "If your creativity is in accordance with your technical abilities then the doors to the world of robotics are always open.”
Future of Humans with Robots:
With all these advancements, I feel we all are becoming slaves to the technology according to their advancements. It’s a human tendency to seek for a comfortable and luxury life style and expect everything to be automatic. Smallest of the small jobs are also performed by a robot/technology and everyone is so addicted to the technology in their hands and forget their surroundings. Usage of technology like robotics to reduce efforts and risks is a great thought. But, not recommended to use everywhere and every time. This will surely affect humanity in future (If continued) in all the possible ways. Hopefully in a few years or decades, these man-made machines or the so called “Brain child of mankind” doesn’t dominate and overpower its own creator.
On a concluding note, we need to draw a boundary between man and machines, we need to limit the usage of technology. “Robotics or any other Technologies are made for human benefits, they are our slaves. Let us not become a slave of technology.”
By the way, the word "robot" first appeared in European literature in 1920’s which means “SLAVE”.
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We can see a huge variations in the life styles of people after the existence of robotics. Many industries replaced human workers with robots, increased the speed, efficiency and the outcome. Later on, The Robotics technology grew up more with Artificial Intelligence and started giving smart output with highest precision and accuracy. It's being used in almost all the fields, mainly in Military, health, industries and mines.
The future of robots is mere speculation, but judging from developments in recent years, the continued advancements in technology are a foregone conclusion. Robots will likely continue to impact various aspects of our lives, and scientists and philosophers continue to debate the possibilities for the human race. As artificial intelligence continues to develop, there may be a point in which robots become superior to mankind. No matter what the future holds, robots will have a place in it.
Future of Robots with humans:
The future for robots is bright. But, how will robots affect future generations? Sometimes you can get ideas for the future by looking into the past and thinking about the changes we've seen as a result of other great inventions, like the cotton gin, airplane or Internet. Perhaps one day we will have true robotic ''helpers'' that guide the blind, assist the elderly. Maybe they'll be modular devices that can switch from lawn mower to vacuum cleaner, to dish washer and window washer. "If your creativity is in accordance with your technical abilities then the doors to the world of robotics are always open.”
Future of Humans with Robots:
With all these advancements, I feel we all are becoming slaves to the technology according to their advancements. It’s a human tendency to seek for a comfortable and luxury life style and expect everything to be automatic. Smallest of the small jobs are also performed by a robot/technology and everyone is so addicted to the technology in their hands and forget their surroundings. Usage of technology like robotics to reduce efforts and risks is a great thought. But, not recommended to use everywhere and every time. This will surely affect humanity in future (If continued) in all the possible ways. Hopefully in a few years or decades, these man-made machines or the so called “Brain child of mankind” doesn’t dominate and overpower its own creator.
On a concluding note, we need to draw a boundary between man and machines, we need to limit the usage of technology. “Robotics or any other Technologies are made for human benefits, they are our slaves. Let us not become a slave of technology.”
By the way, the word "robot" first appeared in European literature in 1920’s which means “SLAVE”.
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