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Continuous Efforts, neither Strength, nor Intelligence, is the Key to Success!

They say, "Experience is not about age, but about the number of hours you have worked" and is the case with this person, who has shown the world, the true meaning of the word 'Teacher'. Read on!
Born in a family, not so rich, but, a family which was rich in terms of love that they shared with each other, Sunil Kumar G, grew in an environment where he got to meet people from different levels of the society. He remembers studying in a school, where there were a lot of students, from a rural background, who had not much money, but were as good as he was. The best part about them were that they were all hard-working which aroused a sense of competition in Sunil to work hard. He also studied in an institute where, all his classmates were rich, posh and carried a lot of attitude. He still got adjusted to the environment and learned a lot about life in the phase where he understood the mentality of students. Throughout his schools days, Sunil would score high marks and was hence, chosen to become the class representative, every year at the school.
Sunil Kumar G
A few incidents in his school days that inspired him with some deep thoughts he shares, “I was the class representative in my 7th grade, when a boy came late to class after lunch and I asked him for the reason. He said he had to cook the food and then, I asked why he couldn’t cook in the morning, his answer gave me a realisation of lifetime. He said that they did not have enough vessels to cook for the breakfast and lunch. That was when I realised the value of what I got from my parents and from that very day, I started helping my mother in every work possible. Another incident that made me a leader was when I was in my 10th grade, when a few of my friends did not have money to pay their school fee, I got an idea to collect a small amount of money from the rest of the students to pay their fees. I was appreciated for this idea and the principal of the school, who was inspired to see us do this, took care of the expenses without the need for us to contribute.Appreciation from my teachers, principal and friends, for such ideas, made me a better leader. I took more responsibility from then”.

Sunil, who wanted to explore the world, started working in his father’s factory during his vacations after his 7th grade. He would earn about 150 Rupees per week. Once his school reopened, he continued to go to school. Situations in his family was not consistent. The family happened to undergo losses during his 8th grade, which also affected his studies. He scored good marks, but was not a topper like before, but, that did not worry him. Once again, during his vacations after 8th grade, he started working, but in a different work place, a marketing research company, TNS Indian Research Pvt Ltd, where he earned a good sum of money to pay his school fee and for his uniform expenses. He would walk for kilometers, interact with hundreds of people, work as hard as possible during this phase, which had taught him a lot of lessons of life. Now, by the end of his 9th grade, he worked at a internet cafe where he would earlier come, but, as a customer. He decided to work at the internet cafe since he thought he could also play for free. During his vacations, he continued to work in the same place, but, for a full time job. He saved all the money he earned at the internet cafe, to pay his school fee for his 10th grade. He completed his 10th grade with a good score and now was the time to enter the pre-university college, before which, during the holidays, Sunil worked as a cable operator too.

He decide to join an evening college for his PU (Pre-University), so that he could work for a longer time to earn more. He continued to work as a cable operator then. After completion of his 1st year of PU, he discontinues his work as a cable operator and worked as a courier delivery boy at a courier office. Once his college started, he worked at a hotel owned by his friend, where he managed various work according to the needs. Once again, after his completion of 2nd year of PU, Sunil worked for another courier company too. Amidst these 2 years where he studied and worked, Sunil decided that he had to somehow create his own identity. This thought came from an incident where he was asked to show his Identity card to enter his own college, by his junior. Sunil felt ashamed of this situation because he had lost his identity that he had actually created during his school days.
Sunil Kumar G
He joined Devanga Sangha First Grade College for his graduation, where he, once again happened to create his identity by connecting to everyone and participating in various activities. He got to know from one of his friends, that he could earn more money, while he worked for lesser time and that was when he left his job as a courier boy and started his work in a company called Sodexo where he had to distribute the Sodexo coupons for MNC companies. He worked for only eight to ten days in a month, and earned a good sum. At weekends, he worked with caterers so that he would get some money and good food to have. The environment of MNCs caught his interest and hence he applied for a job at an MNC and he got selected in the first company itself, for which he had applied for, but, he rejected the offer, since the pay package was not as much as expected. Later, he was recruited at ANZ, even before he completed his graduation. His mother was extremely happy, because, he was the first person in his family to have completed his graduation and to have secured a job at an MNC.

Sunil worked at ANZ, for, only a year, since he wanted to pursue M.Com, which was a compulsory course to complete, to become a lecturer. Teaching was his passion, since he loved to appear on podiums to speak to people, and also, loved leading people. He joined AIMS college to pursue his M.Com and even before he graduated, he got an opportunity to teach two other colleges. By then, he was already working for another MNC. He stared loving his schedule which was Jam Packed where he worked in an MNC and as a lecturer in colleges, was also a student pursuing M.Com. After graduating from AIMS, he started working as a lecturer, full-time, in the college he pursued his Under Graduation. He knew how he could make the students list to his lectures, since he came from a similar student life. There were challenges at work for Sunil, since he worked along with the people, who were his teachers earlier. Ego clashes became common during those days.

During his first year of work, Sunil had organized the cultural fest of the college, when one young man came and invited them all for an inspirational talk. Sunil happened to attend the talk and was inspired to connect to such people to help his students too. In this process, Sunil got to know about the platform of i3, which is a bridge between students and the corporate world, helping them understand the field from industry experts. The delegates of i3 would also get a chance to execute various social projects. Sunil wanted to be a part of this platform, not only for his growth, but also for his students. He felt that he could teach his students about all that he learnt. He attended the conferences where he learned from various achievers and at the same time, he executed social projects impacting the society. He involved his students in his projects, where they actively participated and gained more experiences too. With such recognizable impact numbers that he created, he was tagged as a True IUITE of i3 season 1 of Bangalore and is the only attendee to have received this title of True IUITE (Students, who are termed as ‘delegates’ are those who are eligible for this position and people who work are termed ‘attendee’, but, Sunil’s passion towards helping the society, made him receive the title, although he was not a delegate). In spite of the college management requesting him to stay back, because of his efforts to bring better results of the students at the college, Sunil still quit his job as a lecturer to follow his heart to change the mindset of the society and work on various projects impacting the society, as a part of iU Cares Foundation! Having varied experiences in working at different places, Sunil feels that he could plan how to set things right in the society, and is on his way to create a revolution!

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 30th November 2015.
IJ Kavyashree
IJ Kavyashree is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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