Better Understanding for a Better World (BUBW) Conference 2015

Better Understanding for a Better World (BUBW) Conference began in 2006 with an annual conference Orlando, FL.  This conferences were developed to give American high school students and international exchange students currently studying in the US the opportunity to meet students of diverse faiths and culture background. They have been tremendously successful each year and the students benefit in ways that are truly impressive.

Youth are the hope of each nation, and the future of the world’s civilization is soon to rest in their hands. The most pressing issue they face today is how to view the “other”, people who are different from you. CECF aims to transcend the fear of the “other” through multicultural and interfaith dialogue and mutual respect and understanding.
BUBW Conference

The participants are expected to be 18-30 years old (Call for Application) and NO AGE LIMIT (Call for Paper) highly motivated individual, who demonstrate leadership through academic work, community involvement and extracurricular activities.

• Participants can be from any region in Indonesia and other country.

• Proficient in English.

• The participants should have a strong interest in interfaith and global understanding, pluralism, global citizenship, conflict resolution, and sustainable development.

• The participant are suggested to have a proven track record of previous and current activities on interfaith and global understanding, pluralism, global citizenship, conflict resolution, and sustainable development.

• Indicate a serious interest in learning about Indonesia with its pluralism.

• Be mature, responsible, independent, confident, open-minded, tolerant, thoughtful and inquisitive.

• Be willing and able to fully participate in the Better Understanding for Better World 2015 program.

• Be comfortable and prepared to share living accommodations, able to make adjustment to cultural and social practices different from those of their home country.

• International participants are highly recommended to have passports

Call for papers:

Grand theme: Better Understanding as a Grand Tool to Face the World and South East Asia Challenges

Subtheme: Leadership roles in the age of global village

Subtheme: The blessing of religious and cultural diversity

Subtheme: Conflict resolution in managing challenges of social changes 

Each paper is original work without any issues of plagiarism.

15 finalists will be chosen and invited to present their papers during the international conference FREE Conference Fee (accommodation is excluded). There will be special rewards for the best paper presenters:

1st Best Presenter: IDR 7,500,000
2nd Best Presenter: IDR 5,000,000
Two Best Participants: IDR 1,500,000 each paper

Better Understanding of Better World Indonesia open two different ways of registration, which are Call for Application and Call for Paper. Participants from Call for Application will need to submit online application only. Meanwhile, participants have responsibility to pay all accommodation during the conference and transportation from home to Yogyakarta. There will be no registration fee. If participants apply for , they must submit online application form and paper related with our theme. Five best papers will be invited to the conference and present their ideas to BUBW conference. Chosen participants will not need to pay fee for accommodation during in Yogyakarta.

The deadline for call for papers is November 15, 2015
The deadline for call for applications is November 20, 2015.
To apply visit here (

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