Piltover Technologies

Manan Issar is a student of third year in Engineering. But he is different from other students of his age. When he was in the first year, he came to know about business incubation and entrepreneurship. He looked at young students taking up business ideas and starting their business ventures. He decided to take his technical education towards creating solutions for the society. He cherished an innate desire to serve mankind through technology.
Piltover Technologies
He felt that technology has immense potential if it is deployed for human service. He explored the latest evolving technologies and tried to identify the possibilities of using those technologies towards service of mankind. The ideas of 3D printers were making big news and naturally attracted his attention. Can we use these printers for service of mankind? Soon he had an idea to work on. Along with his two friends Mr. Anirudh Kishen and Vyshnav he started a company "Piltover Technologies" to apply technologies for the service of mankind.
Piltover literally means city of progress - which could be possible only using technology for service of humanity. Thus Manan has started an optimistic platform for creating solutions beyond imagination. He thought about using 3D and 5D printers for preparing Dental Restorative Products (DRPs) or artificial teeth and other artificial human organs. While he was in the second year of his B.Tech., he applied for incubation of his business venture and started the company. It is now over one year of his research into these sectors. He and his team are regularly interacting with Dentists, Dental Laboratories, Dental Colleges, experts to explore these issues. He is experimenting with 3D printers to identify possible solutions. He is experimenting with different types of raw materials to develop the product. He is also experimenting at various technologies using CAD / CAM to develop the product.
The challenge is to enable better, faster, more convenient and economical solutions for the patients and to develop a friendly technology for the Dentists. He is keeping some basic principles in perspective - the principle of human convenience, the principle of keeping the costs to the minimum and the principle of introducing breakthrough technology to alter the way a service is delivered. Manan and his friends have succeeded in their ultimate goals of preparing machines for preparing Dental Restorative Products (DRP), which they have now launched as "Arete Dental Solutions". They are also closely working with Jaipur Foot (Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayta Samiti Jaipur) to prepare artificial limbs including artificial hands using 3D and 5D printers.
Mr. Manan Issar has been able to offer internship opportunities to many engineering students of his own institution. He presents his own case study as transformation from being just a student to a StartUp entrepreneur to students as a seminar, which inspires other students to take up entrepreneurship and think about starting a StartUp. His initiatives have helped in creating an environment where every student is today planning to launch a StartUp. This is how a culture of entrepreneurship is created. Mr. Manan Issar and other such entrepreneurs are truly changing the environment of educational institutions in India. They must be supported and encouraged.

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Dr. Trilok Kumar Jain
Dr. Trilok Kumar Jain is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazin

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