Five ways to creative human brain memory

Creative human brain memory or the creativity of the human brain plays the pivotal part in the evolution and advancement of humanity. It’s an inbred capacity of our brain to acquire knowledge and ideas from what we see, feel and think. So, at its ethos, creativity is our outward pronouncement or portrayal of our inner mind-bred ideas, perceptions and imaginations. There are two hindrances for your creativity to flourish- your inner ideas and imaginations and secondly, your outward expression and implementation of those ideas and vision. Yes! It is as simple as it sounds. And in any of these two occasions, there are proven effective ways to make your creative brain memory thriving. Let’s check out these ways:
Five ways to creative human brain memory
Restrict yourself

For an easier start to an innovating idea or creative thinking there are two aspects in which you need to restrict yourself, and with a little effort, you will find your mind encompassing a vast range of creative imagination: restriction of tasks and restriction of amusement. Let's elaborate the first case with an example. Suppose you were given a task of creating a pleasant tune with a guitar. Think about it once; you will be able to compose more pleasant and vibrant tune with only two chords than with, say, six chords. Our brain tries to squeeze in information from everything that we see or sense, which hinders our creative thoughts to flow. Try to limit your task and enjoy the creative version of yourself. Secondly, it is the amusement that you need to keep a check. ‘Amusement’ was derived from a Greek word ‘muse’ which means soaked in thoughts and inspirations. So basically amusement means the absence of thoughts and imaginations. I think no more elaboration is required in this aspect!

Re-conceptualize the problem

Here is a solution to the inner hindrance that was pointed out. Einstein was once quoted saying that if given a problem he would spend 90% of the time in analysing and conceptualising the problem and 10% in thinking about the solution. Never try to ponder like “I need to show some creativity in this.” It is like trying to trace back the steps of a complex multivariable integration problem from its solution to its origin, which is nearly impossible! Redirect your thoughts into analysing and understanding the problem you are brooding about and in that way you might devise an innovative idea.

Engage in observation session

Everyone knows about the famous anecdote of Sir Issac Newton’s falling apple. He was preoccupied with the moon’s orbit around the earth and always anticipated the influence of gravity, and after observing the falling of apples straight to the ground, he formulated the gravitational force theory. It's crucial for the brain to receive knowledge and understanding through our observations (i.e. senses, feelings, visuals and experiences). This innate functioning of the brain is called ‘cognitive function’. Researchers have fabricated drugs that improve the cognition of human brain thus boosting the creativity of human brain. The many benefits of such drugs can be accessed from ‘Nootropics information’, and these drugs are called nootropics. So, observation sessions are like refuelling your creative mind engine so that it runs! Use counterfactual thinking

Preconception or prejudice blocks your creative mind. Questions such as “what if??” or “what might have been??” are counterfactual thinking and it sharpens your ability to think differently. Allow yourself to be divergent, even if it is not readily accepted. Don’t be afraid of posting yourself as a fool or weird; you might seem to be, but it's natural. Rethinking on a past incident, putting in elements to the situation and reanalysing the outcomes increase your brain’s ability to think differently.

Think about others

Think of yourself as a teacher. For your students to understand a particular topic, you will always try to provide them with new, creative ways of explanations and notes, though for personal use you would have never needed such notes. People often induce more innovative ideas if they believe that it will be of use to somebody else and not themselves. This psychological distance amplifies your creativity.

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Andy Bell
Andy Bell is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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