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How to Create a Safe Office Environment During COVID-19
As an employer, it is your responsibility to provide a safe working environment for your staff. You want your staff to come into work each day feeling safe, happy and confident and obviously with COVID-19 this is even more important than normal. With this in mind, read on for the best ways to make your office safe for people returning to work.
Ensure Office is Thoroughly Cleaned
One of the most important steps to take is to make sure that your office is always thoroughly cleaned. You should encourage staff to clean up after themselves but also have a janitorial team come in regularly to clean and tidy the entire office. This is important for killing bacteria as well as making sure that the office is clear and suitable for working each day - having professional cleaners come in will also help to provide peace of mind.
Follow Government Regulations
The Government have provided regulations and guidelines on how a business can operate in a safe way by creating a COVID-secure environment. It is absolutely vital that you follow this advice to the T as well as stay well-informed because it is a fast-changing situation. Keep in mind that an employee could speak to a personal injury solicitor if they fall ill or suffer an injury that was not their fault so you will want to avoid this at all costs.
E nsure Appropriate Office Spacing
You might also need to think about the office layout that you have and make a few changes so that people can easily socially distance while working. People should stay at least 1 metre apart which can be challenging, so you might need to experiment with the layout as well as think about alternative ways to create space such as staggered work times and having staff work remotely a few days of the week so that staff can rotate time in the office. Here is a website where you can learn how to improve employee morale remotely.
C reate An Open-Plan Space
If possible, it is also smart to adopt an open plan office environment if possible. Open-plan spaces are much safer in terms of transmission of COVID-19 (along with other illnesses), plus they can bring a range of other benefits such as better communication, higher morale and more natural light coming through.
This post should help you to create a safe environment for your staff returning to the office during COVID-19. But if your business needs growth and you are wanting to bring it back on track or need to growth hack then you need to look into hiring consulting experts like SIMUS. You could hire them to help you grow your profile as a course creator to getting help in getting your next big idea funded. Whatever the case is having the safety for your team is a must and we hope these tips would power it up for you.
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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 9th October 2020.