How To Report A Medical Malpractice Case

Report A Medical Malpractice Case According to the research findings by Hopkins University, medical errors constitute 10 percent of total deaths in the United States of America. This means that a whopping 250,000 people die yearly due to medical malpractice in the US. Still more, countless others suffer non-fatal injuries. Since these malpractices can occur to anyone, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the steps you should take. The following are the steps you should take if you are a medical malpractice victim.

Find Another Physician

Prioritize your health. Thus, if you suspect a medical malpractice case, be sure to seek the opinion of another doctor. For instance, if there was a misdiagnosis, don’t fail to explain to another doctor about the issue. Getting a second option will help you determine if there is a case to answer. This should be done in the shortest time possible. Remember, medical issues are bound by time. A simple delay can erode the evidence. Still more, a delay can cause other complications.

Request Medical Records

According to the law, you have the right to see your medical records. Thus, if you suspect a medical malpractice case, request your medical records. If your doctor is hesitant to give you these records, stand firm. It’s your right. These records will act as evidence when building your case. In the report, you will find out the tests conducted, diagnosis done, medication administered, etc. This information will help determine whether the doctor committed medical malpractice.


Patients are advised to keep a journal regarding their treatments. Thus, keep a good journal. It will help you track your progress and even spot medical malpractice errors. Write short notes. The journal should include the symptoms, diagnosis, medication prescribed, etc. Be sure to note things down on a daily basis. A journal will help build a strong case.

Contact A Lawyer

Don’t handle medical malpractice cases alone. They can be very complex. They involve a lot of legal aspects. For instance, analyzing evidence isn’t a joke. Thus, be sure to get in touch with your medical malpractice attorney. Choose an experienced medical malpractice attorney Baltimore to take up your medical malpractice case. Preferably, choose a lawyer who has handled similar cases in the past. Schedule for consultation with that lawyer. Explain to him/her what happened. Don’t hide anything. Show him/her all the medical records.

Don’t Contact the Parties

Of course, the hospital will try to contact you. However, this isn’t the time to be too good for your hospital. The only person you should get in touch with is your lawyer. If they have to reach you, it should be through your lawyer. Talking about your case in public can also make things difficult. Things that you say can destroy your case.

The Bottom-Line

Medical malpractice cases are on the rise. These cases are changing the course of many people’s lives. As a victim, there are steps you can take to make your life better again. The following are the top things medical malpractice victims should do.

Image Credits:
Image 2: Image by weisspaarz on Flickr

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