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Surat Diamond Bourse Unveils Worlds Largest Office Building, Surpassing the Iconic Pentagon

Diamond Bourse Surat Surat, the diamond capital of the world, has proudly revealed its latest marvel to the global community: the Surat Diamond Bourse (SDB), crowned as the world's largest office building. The grand inauguration of the Surat Diamond Bourse (SDB) is scheduled for December 17, 2023 and will be graced by the honorable Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi.

The inauguration of SDB, India’s second diamond bourse after Mumbai's Bharat Diamond Bourse, marks a significant milestone in the country's economic landscape and promises a new era for the diamond manufacturing industry in the vibrant city of Gujarat.

Situated in northwestern India, this architectural masterpiece has knocked the iconic Pentagon off its top spot, boasting a vast floor area of 7.1 million square feet.

For over 8 decades, the Pentagon held the prestigious title, with a measurement of 6.7 million square feet. However, Surat's diamond trading center, the Surat Diamond Bourse, has now taken the lead, standing tall as a testament to architectural brilliance and economic prowess. The construction of this grand edifice, valued at ?3,400 Crore (Approx $408 million), is an embodiment of India's progressive spirit and dedication to the diamond trade.

Diamond Bourse Surat The Surat Diamond Bourse comprises 9 towers, each soaring 15 floors high, interconnected along a central spine ith 24 spine corridors. The magnificence of the structure is further accentuated by an impressive fleet of 131 lifts, ensuring seamless connectivity and accessibility. This architectural wonder is not merely a symbol of grandeur; it is a necessity, driven by the thriving diamond trade in Gujarat state. Surat, known for cutting over 90% of the world's diamonds, has created this expansive space to accommodate the ever-growing demands of the industry.

Inside the SDB, 4,500 diamond merchant offices find their home, ranging from 300 to 75,000 square feet. These offices serve as hubs of innovation and commerce, fostering an environment where the diamond trade can flourish. Moreover, to enhance the experience for global traders, the complex boasts five-star hotels within its premises. This strategic addition enables the Surat Diamond Bourse to host traders and dignitaries from around the world, transforming the workplace into a global business hub.

The Surat Diamond Bourse is not just a building; it's a symbol of Surat's commitment to the diamond industry and its vision for the future. This colossal edifice stands as a beacon of innovation, inviting the world to witness India's unwavering dedication to excellence. As the heart of the global diamond trade beats in Surat, the city continues to inspire awe with its ability to blend tradition with cutting-edge technology and infrastructure.
Image Credits: Wikidpedia, SDB Website | Content Source: MSN News | Hindustan Times

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 4th October 2023.

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