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Gaurav Bazari

In the present world where there are so many distractions, Percentage of youngsters who are so confused in life as to "what to do next" is more compared to the ones who are "determined and have jumped into what they really want to do in life".

Being passionate is the most important aspect of entrepreneurial journey. More passionate the person is, more he moves towards success of his set up. We see the young generation these days is filled with passion and vigor, but "where is it getting diverted to?" Is the question, Just a small shift of the direction towards something worthwhile could make them grow massive, one such story in making is of Gaurav Bazari - a juvenile, passionate, visionary, most importantly, entrepreneurial is what makes Gaurav Bazari Founder of Hybridtshirt , stand out in the crowd. He is a young rising star from Gyan Vihar University studying engineering.
His vision is clear and customer satisfaction is what his team focuses on which is the most needed element in the present market considering the amount of competition that is there. Reaching the hearts of customers with the products is something that everyone promises to give but not deliver the same. Gaurav Bazari has created a wonderful team to work along with him towards this vision and that is exactly what is needed for any entrepreneur today.

Having a strong, committed and creative team can take any entrepreneur a long way and that is what defines an entrepreneur. For the kind of business that Gaurav Bazari is into, a team with creative nudge is the top priority and he has been successful enough to create one of which he proudly talks about. One such team can not only make the brand grow big but also leave a lasting impression in the minds of its customers.

Just a simple idea, what it takes to start something on your own and having courage to start small is what makes that start up grow massive. India needs young entrepreneurs like Gaurav Bazari, who does not hesitate to take risks and create a team to walk along the path that they envision. Being entrepreneurial is what can bring out the core of entrepreneurial abilities in us.
Sit down, think of that one thing that you always wanted to do in your life, start immediately. Today with the help of internet there is nothing that is impossible to achieve, and competition is equally high, so what if there are 100 big brands very much in line with what you want to start? You could be the 101th person to be in the same industry, be creative, think of that one thing that those 100 brands do not have and could lead you to be the no.1 brand in that industry tomorrow. Who stops you from being one other than yourself? If you don't start, someone else will! Because they just don't dream but they already envision to be the number one!

We, Team Inspiration Unlimited congratulate Gaurav Bazari and his team on the start of hybrid Tshirt. We surely support you and want to see you along with your team grow big and create a lasting impression in the minds of people. May the almighty bless you and all your future endeavors. You truly stand out as an Inspiration to the young generation.

Find them on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hybrid-Wear/396652013771924
Website - https://hybridtshirt.com/

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on October 2013.

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