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So here is a Short Presentation:

I am on the RIGHT PATH

This is definitely a very COMPETITIVE world. We compete throughout our lives; let it be childhood, adulthood or old age, we are always into some or the other kind of competition. Sometimes, we win the competition, while sometimes we lose the competition as Life is always a blend of Success and Failure.

But the major question is, 'Are we aware of the objective of the competition?', 'Do we at least know the reason for competing?', 'Do we know what we get out of it?' The answer is NO for MOST of the people in this world as they keep competing just because someone else is doing it or due to coercion. This clearly shows that they don't know the right direction to head towards in their life and it might also be that they have no idea if they are on the RIGHT PATH or not.
I am on the right path, direction
Especially, most of the students face this hitch. I am damn sure that there will be a MASSIVE transformation even if there is one RIGHT PERSON to make them REALIZE the purpose of life, and also to help them figure out the right direction to make their lives meaningful. Thus, there is a need for a humongous number of Leaders in this world to transform the world.

I feel blessed to have my lovely family; there hasn't been a day wherein they have not supported me. To add on to my blessings, there are wonderful people in my life called Mentors. My Mentors are the reason for my Growth as a person. They have made me understand the purpose of Life. They have taught me a lot of things and they have also helped me find the right direction in my life. Their constant support has been one of the main reasons for most of my wonderful accomplishments. I feel very PROUD of myself as I know the RIGHT DIRECTION in my life and, I also know that I am on the RIGHT PATH.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. A part [small/large] could be AI generated content at times and it's inevitable today. If you have a feedback particularly with regards to that, feel free to let us know. This article was first published here on 25th October 2014.
Vishwesh Wali
Vishwesh Wali is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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