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Fear is Must

Are you afraid of something? If yes, congratulations you have a very important trait of a successful person.

Fear can be compartmentalized into two sections i.e. Fear of losing and Fear of not winning.

I am a person who was fearful and who is still fearful. Couple of years back I was not up to the mark, I was just surviving but not living because I was dominated by FEAR… But now I am really successful in what I am doing not because I overcame FEAR but because I started using fear for my own benefit. Did I baffle you?

I am a software engineer, I was completely aloof and was not proactive in any of the meetings as I was afraid of facing people, I tried very hard to fight off my fear but was not successful,
Before getting into software industry I was an entrepreneur, and I was not successful in achieving my endeavours, I failed couple of times and day after day it was becoming difficult for me to accept my failures and I started fearing about my career. Without even thinking of the impact of winding up the business and getting into software industry, I changed my career path and became a software engineer. My fear dominated me and I became someone I did not want to be. Just imagine what if I also had a fear of losing an option of what I wanted to be, I would have found a way to overcome my failures and would have been really successful. Hence I suggest one should have a fear of not winning rather than fear of losing.

Once I got an opportunity to take the responsibility of my manager as he was ill, I was afraid of taking his responsibility as a thought “I cannot do it” was niggling in my mind, I was really afraid and I wanted to be candid by saying I cannot do it but then I was also afraid about not taking up this responsibility then I might belittle myself, loose an opportunity and I might be a late bloomer in my career. Infact I was more afraid of losing an opportunity than not fulfilling it and that fear made me take up the opportunity. It boosted my energy levels whenever I was low and finally I could successfully take up the responsibility and fulfill it.

FEAR is a two faced coin, one is the positive side and the other is the negative side, let’s take a simple example - I want to be an entrepreneur and the moment I think about this I will be afraid of falling down, losing what I have and might end up doing nothing. This is the negative side of FEAR, but if I think of not being an entrepreneur for my entire life then I will be afraid of obeying my boss for the life time. This is the positive side of FEAR. When you have positive FEAR in you then definitely in order to overcome that you tend to act positively which culminates in a success story of your own.
My suggestion to all of you is that FEAR is really beneficial provided you know how to use it, the moment you are afraid of doing something i.e. Negative side of fear, I suggest you to be afraid of not doing it rather than doing it..

Finally, I would like to say that build fear of not winning and that fear will ensure your success..
Learn to tap Positive FEAR and enjoy your FEAR.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 18th October 2015.
Rahul Gada
Rahul Gada is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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