The Smart Cities and Smart Villages of India is Poised to Witness the New Dawn

Smart Cities Summit With the enormous and rapid increase in the usage of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) in India, and the growing awareness and creation of SMARTER CITIES + SMARTER VILLAGES and DIGITAL INDIA initiatives of the Government of India Programs for the developmental purposes, the usage of disruptive and specialized technologies such as machine-to-machine (m2m) and internet-of-things (iot) and the connected and emerging technologies, i.e., 5G, artificial intelligence (AI), big data, cloud-fog-edge-mist computing, geographic information system (GIS), global positioning system (GPS), telematics technologies and etc. is finding more attention from multiple stakeholders of the ecosystem. Information dissemination about the latest technology advancements and developments, possible applications and usages, and integration with allied technologies is playing a very significant role in promoting and propagating the usages of these disruptive and emerging technologies for the overall development of the society both at the URBAN and at the RURAL at large, thereby ‘capitalizing the connected world’.

The Panel Chair, Mr N Sivasailam, Special Secretary, Department of Telecommunications (DOT), Ministry of Communications, Government of India, during the Curtain Raiser of 6th India m2m + iot Forum, that recently got concluded in New Delhi, India, noted; “m2m and iot are excellent candidates for 5G. Large scale trials are on to establish technical as well as social and commercial relevance. The time has come for the ‘India m2m + iot Forum’ to spread the message that large scale trials for 5G are on and will hugely benefit the Smart Cities and Smart Villages visions of the nation by bringing in key stakeholders together. India m2m + iot Forum and its members must appreciate that everyone collectively needs to invest in creating platforms which are robust and of international character, capable of standing the test of international scrutiny”.

Mr Rajan S Mathews, Director General, Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI), during his special address at the Curtain Raiser – India m2m + iot Forum 2019, shared; “we have got about 14000 MHz of spectrum, for the first time India has moved from spectrum scarcity to spectrum plentitude. Going forward the preferred interface will be mobile, and to make m2m and iot adoption successful in India, private sector will be at the forefront and invite investments to build and sustain the networks that will be driving the innovations of the future”.

Mr Ashutosh Mayank, Vice President, Lumis Partners (an investment firm) and an advisor to the forum shared how the platform can contribute towards developing the startup ecosystem, “Biggest aspect of this forum, is the kind of mix of participants to the forum invites including academia, students, startups, industry, government, a whole and the right mix from the ecosystem. The forum this year will be inviting a larger participation from the startups. It is important for the startups to come forward and make the most of this opportunity and demonstrate how technology adoption can be facilitated and made easier in various vertical applications”.

“It is important for us to move from ‘Know’ to ‘Now’, implementations and trails need to take priority, including demonstrations that are generating value, taking technology to rural India. For this, standardization is important to bring people together, to work together. CDOT has build the first platform based on oneM2M standards and we will open it up for all the members and participants of ‘India m2m + iot Forum’ for them to try out in their specific fields and we will provide the assistance required. Startups will also benefit from this hugely,” added Mr Vipin Tyagi, Executive Director, Centre for Development of Telematics (CDOT).

Mr Sanjeeb Patjoshi, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, while sharing various implementations and schemes on digital technology implementation in village scenario urged the participants of ‘India m2m + iot Forum’ to come forward with suggestions and recommendations on improving technology adoption in rural India.

Highlighting the importance of national and international collaborations for smart cities and smart villages development in India, India m2m + iot Forum will be hosting partnership and collaboration dialogues, inviting distinct STAKEHOLDERS from the ECOSYSTEM discussing and deliberating upon the Smart Cities and Smart Villages PROGRESSES thus far, and the Key Smart City and Smart Villages Announcements by the Central and State Governments and Latest Updates, including the stakeholders from the ecosystem who are making the most ambitious project of the Government of India’s Smart Cities and Smart Villages vision a SUCCESS that have been envisaged to ensure proliferation of technologies and to attract large scale, long term capital investments in to India’s Smart Cities and Smart Villages sector while protecting consumer interest..

European Business and Technology Centre is very proud to be a partner to India m2m + iot Forum. We are looking at bringing together stakeholders to showcase small demonstrations and pilots at village level which can also be replicated for the cities. We look forward to working with the forum and it’s participants towards actual results”, said Mr Vincent van Noord, Associate Director, European Business and Technology Centre.

Following the key recommendations from the esteemed panelists and stakeholders of the ecosystem, the 6th edition of India m2m + iot Forum will organize ‘India Smart Cities Forum’ scheduled on Tuesday, 15 January 2019 and ‘India Smart Villages Forum’ scheduled on Wednesday, 16 January 2019 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India, which is being jointly organized by the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (DMS, IIT Delhi), FI Media (Future Internet and Electronic Media) of the Delegation of European Union to India and India m2m + iot Forum.
The forum will bring forth Comprehensive Thought Leadership, live demos and technology shows, business matchmaking and business delegations, collaboration and partnership dialogues, exhibition and display of new age technologies, on various aspects of machine-to-machine (m2m), internet of things (iot) and allied technology implementation for urban and rural India.

FIWARE Foundation is the Principal Partner for India m2m + iot Forum 2019.

About the organizers

Department of Management Studies (DMS), Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi)

DMS, IIT Delhi was established in 1997 with the objective of providing world-class education in the field of management studies. Since then the department has come a long way not only in achieving this objective but also in expanding its course offerings, widening its faculty network, diversifying its student intake and expanding its reach across the globe, while gaining academic recognitions in the process of this journey. The Department has contributed at the highest policy making levels of the government, academia and industry, including contributions of Management Research via its quarterly International Journal – Journal of Advances in Management Research, which is now recognized in various rankings.


FI-MEDIA is a clustering partnership and mobility project funded by the Delegation of the European Union to India. The 4 year project started on the 1st of December, 2014 and is coordinated by Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT), Ireland, and has two India partners, IIT Delhi and Beyond Evolution Tech Solutions Private Ltd, Gurgaon. FI-MEDIA also has the strong support of the large scale European Tech- nology/Industry driven platforms e.g. EU’s NEM Technology Platform and Confederation of Indian Industry – CII. The core objective of FI-MEDIA is facilitating the building of Cluster to Cluster (C2C) partnerships in areas such as Machine to Machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies with a C2C designed to enhance the cooperation of research and innovation (R&I) and industry cooperation between EU and India.

The approach to achieve this objective is to identify the ICT topics of common interest, advise and help of the available R&I / industry clusters in both countries in the selection of right topics, enabling the building facilitation of sustainable C2C partnerships between the EU and India clusters. The project has successfully facilitated two C2C partnerships on Smart Villages and bringing the EU’s FIWARE platform to India and is now progressing with a new C2C partnership related to M2M and IoT in a number of possible areas e.g. Smart Agriculture, Smart Dairy Farming, Smart Energy Management, with a view to synchronising these C2Cs with suitable Smart Village and Smart Cities programme in both the EU and India.

India m2m + iot Forum Founded in the year 2014 ‘India m2m + iot Forum 2019’ is the 6th Annual National Forum on machine-to-machine (m2m) and internet of things (iot) from the larger umbrella of the Information Communication Technology (ICT), and has become the signature forum in marketing ‘Brand Of India’ to the entire Information Communications Technology (ICT) stakeholders across the world. The forum aims at enriching the m2m and iot ecosystem with market intelligence, technology trends, success stories and capacity building, and offers the best opportunity for branding and positioning, learning and sharing, connecting and networking with eminent peers, senior decision makers from Central and State Government Agencies and Departments and Industry Experts and have created realistic and substantial opportunities for the m2m + iot systems designers, application developers, and hardware manufacturers, to build realistic business contacts with leading buyers from within the country and the world.

With an objective to promote India’s brand image and provide a preeminent platform to the m2m + iot companies from large, medium to small enterprises to showcase their business ideas innovations and capabilities in emerging markets, the forum has been at the forefront of this cause since 2014. India m2m + iot Forum 2019 WELCOMES ONE + ALL on the road to the CONNECTED WORLD!

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