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Trucking Christmas Cards: Why You Should Date a Trucker

Trucking Christmas Cards

For all the truckers out there, let us face the truth. Time for dating does not exactly come with the job. Put that on your trucking Christmas card. There are a few problems that are common to all truckers but not so much with other jobs.

Trucking Christmas Cards: Trucking and Romance do not Mix

The first one is that the trucker basically has to live in his car. Unlike the usual white-collar worker, who gets to go home and socialize after the end of each day, the trucker has to spend a few hours, a few days, and even a few straight weeks working away from the comfort of his home and his usual social circle. Even with the advent of advances in communication, it might not even be possible. It is tough to mingle through social media when you have both hands behind the wheel.

Another reason that may make it more difficult for a trucker is the lifestyle itself. The trucker is usually imagined as the burly, muscular man covered in body hair. It is true that a lot of girls do get turned on by this. But of course, aside from the burliness not always being the case for all truckers, the visual part is only half of the presentation. Truckers do not always have the luxury to take a shower every night before sleeping at the back of their truck. And even if you do get the chance to shower in a motel, if your lucky, or a gasoline station if you are not, you will hardly think about bringing a nice change of clothes in case you meet someone pretty.

Finally, since your social life back is back at home, you may have to miss a few key occasions where you can meet girls or maintain your relationship. A few valentines, Christmas seasons, anniversaries and birthdays may have to be skipped because of the hectic schedule of the trucker.

It is not always the case however for all truckers as you might have already known. And in some extremely rare cases, traveling to a lot of different places might actually even be a way to meet the woman of your dreams.

Trucking Christmas Cards

So why exactly should anyone in their right minds have a relationship with a trucker? It has been well documented that marriages with truckers do not always end with a happy ending. The road is not exactly a hot spot for dates that we all hope it is. And you might even think of hiding the fact that you are a trucker to your dates as the mere mention of it could scare her away as soon as you say it. So, why? In this article, we will try to see the positive side of being a trucker and get back the sway that our profession deserves.

Trucking Christmas Cards: Benefits of Dating a Trucker

It has been a proven fact that a relationship can be strengthened by spending a few days apart. This makes us miss the person, and because of that, we realize how big of a whole that person is filling within our lives. In the ladies’ side of things, this allows them time to assess their feelings for you. You can be sure that the girl is truly into you if she still wants you even if she had all the time in the world to look for someone else.

Be careful, however, as this could also be a hindrance especially if you have not yet established a foundation in your relationship. If she does not know you enough yet, your absence will only make her forget about you.

Trucking Christmas Cards: Truckers are Low Maintenance

While everyone is turning metrosexual, you can be certain that we truckers will remain the same kind of dirty blue-collared workers that we are. We will not ask for any time away from the missus to pamper ourselves with days at the spas or getting cuticle care.

Being a trucker is probably one of the manliest professions and this means that we are also low maintenance. We can sleep virtually anywhere so we will not have a problem if the girl you are interested in loves nature and traveling. We can eat anything as well so we will not be scared off by some exotic food that you may encounter while traveling. And the best of it is that she will not have to pay much in order to satisfy you.

Truckers are as low maintenance as any man can be including the emotional side of things. The ladies will not have to spend hours about us whining about our day complaining about a coworker.

Trucking Christmas Cards

While being low maintenance is a good thing, you should not try to expect the same thing with your partner. She may be accustomed to a certain lifestyle that might be a lot gentler than what we are used to. And with all relationships, the trick here is about compromise.

Trucking Christmas Cards: Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Truckers have developed a reputation for being cold and distant. While, the aloof nature kinda works in courtship, in a relationship it can do real damage. This is only natural given how much masculinity is being appropriated with the profession.

Try to find the correct balance in your relationship. Try to gauge how you intend to approach it in the long run and make sure that you have a plan for the end game.

Trucking Christmas Cards: Truckers love Talking
 Modern dating has women complaining about the same thing - that guys do not talk as often and as loud as the girls want to. Truckers, loners by nature, love opportunities to talk about virtually anything. This is what being alone inside a truck does to you while driving great distances.
Make sure that you listen well to what she is saying and try not to be caught up in the simple idea that you are finally talking to another person close to you face-to-face instead of over a mobile phone.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 29th September 2019.

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