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5 Inspiring Tips to Improve Your Client Acquisition Process

One of the hardest aspects of running a business is getting new clients. This is commonly known as the customer acquisition process. It’s something all businesses, big and small, have to engage in, in order to keep their company afloat. 
Client Acquisition

Although keeping your current customers is important, it’s imperative that you’re able to consistently reel in new customers. This is especially vital in the early stages of a business.

But how exactly do you do that? Regardless of the service or product, you’re offering, the following five ways can help you improve your client acquisition process:

1. Find out who your target audience really is

Before even thinking about advertising your company to get more clients, it’s critical that you understand who those clients even are. Are they mainly male, female, or both? What’s their age range? How about their location?

Until you find out the latter information, it will be hard for you to earn clients if you 1) don’t know who exactly to market to and 2) aren’t able to find ways to relate to your specific range of client if and when they do take an interest in what you have to offer.

2. Digitally marketing your business on different platforms

The fewer platforms you advertise on, the more you may be limiting the success of your business. For instance, some platforms like Google Ads are limited in narrowing your target audience since ads are keyword-based while Facebook Business features detailed targeting. Finding which platform(s) work best for your business is critical to obtaining the most clients.

3. Track your advertisement spending.

Spending more money on advertisements don’t always mean your marketing has greater potential. In fact, if you’re paying a lot for engagements, clicks, and conversions, there’s a good chance that your current advertising won’t suffice. Remember quality over quantity.

Client Acquisition

4. Opt for a professional proposal template

Convincing prospective clients is important. Even if you’ve already spoken with them directly, it’s important to send them a professional proposal stating what you can provide for them and, ultimately, encouraging them to opt for your product or service. However, with a poor quality proposal template, your message won’t be very convincing.

Do you think you need a better proposal template? If that’s the case, you can be sure to get clients with Qwilr’s marketing proposal template.

5. Reach out to prospective clients instead of waiting for them to come to you

Being in business isn’t like fishing in a lake. You can’t just sit there and hope a prospective client while snatching onto your “bait.” Even when it comes to the actual act of fishing, every good fisherman knows that there’s still a level of effort you must make to catch the most fish: opt for the best bait, find a proper fishing location, the list goes on.

With that being said, part of finding clients is reaching out to them yourself and not just waiting for them to somehow find you. If you want anything to happen within your business, chances are, you must make it happen yourself.Conclusion
Improving your client acquisition isn’t always easy, but one thing’s for sure: if you don’t put the effort into it, you’re less likely to attract new clients. Finding out who your target audience is, digitally advertising on different platforms, tracking your ad spending, opting for a professional proposal template, and reaching out to clients directly are all ways to get more clients.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 1st September 2019.

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