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Six Ways to Positively Enhance Environmental Care Experience for Terminal Patients

Environmental Care Experience for Terminal Patients To improve healthcare and extend the lifespan of terminally ill patients, augmenting and facilitating their environment is crucial. Effective palliative care is not only necessary for a patient’s well-being; it is the only viable option at incurable stages. Establishing and enhancing a palliative care environment depends upon the prevailing disease, patient condition, and everyday challenges.

In addition, patients’ condition may necessitate support from immediate family, friends, trained nursing staff, or a designated medical facility. Similarly, augmenting patients’ surrounding with sophisticated tools and appliances may be necessary.

Nonetheless, a health-promoting environment caters to multiple factors, such as personalized nursing, psychotherapy, social interaction, and fitness. Most importantly, it encourages patients’ participation in self-care.

The following sections further explore some approaches to enhance the environmental experience of end-stage patients.

1. Improving nursing and palliative care

Nursing and palliative care are probably the most crucial factors in the treatment of terminally ill patients. Nursing staff plays a significant and irreplaceable role in assisting and serving patients with various needs and health complications.

To facilitate care units and patients, nursing professionals are further required to supplement existing knowledge with dedicated training. Many palliative care setups require nurses with prior experience, an in-depth understanding of prerequisites, and academic proficiency.

To handle evolving challenges of the field, nursing professionals have to complement primary education and practical skills with the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), leading to Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree programs.

Nowadays, the option of earning an msn to dnp programs online is quite popular due to its relaxed and flexible nature. In addition, these programs prepare nurses for customized patient care in the wake of the rapidly progressing and dynamic medical field.

Hence, the professionals are adept at nursing with patience, humility, kindness, and compassion. As a result, they enable patients to embrace and cherish their remaining lives.

2. Augmenting therapeutic settings

Often, palliative care patients face well-being complications mainly due to a weaker immune system. For instance, experiencing pain, discomfort, and recurring infections are common physical symptoms.

To prevent the deteriorating impact of emerging complications, augmenting home-based nursing with specialized medical care is necessary. Usually, patients’ condition requires symptomatic treatment to reduce sufferance.

For instance, patients with incurable cancer experience severe pain and easily fall ill. Their immune systems become weaker due to repeated chemotherapies and cancer-related drugs. Unstable metabolism, gastrointestinal irregularity, and several psychological disorders can also emerge as a consequence.

Hence, augmenting patients’ surrounding with necessary therapeutic devices, tools, and medications is crucial. It is also essential to engage various specialists in the collaborative treatment of the patients.

3. Facilitating emotional counseling

Mostly, patients at the end-care stage have unstable mental states. The severity of the disease and related problems can be unbearable and disastrous. Patients struggle to accept their situation without blaming, reflecting, and cursing their early life choices and decisions. During severe emotional instability, patients may harm themselves in an attempt to end their sufferings instantly. Hence, it is crucial to help them handle the emotional turmoil and accept their situation with a positive mindset.

Eliminating self-harming factors and depressing reasons is inevitable. Creating an elevating and soothing environment is necessary. In addition, providing personalized psychotherapy in collaboration with loved ones and designated counselors is another practical approach.

In critical cases, psychotherapists may also prescribe anti-depressant drugs or admit patients to rehabilitation centers. Nonetheless, integrating patients’ environments with emotional stabilizers, counselors, and uninterrupted vigilance is fundamental during the final stages.

Environmental Care Experience for Terminal Patients 4. Incorporating mood uplifting hobbies

Though the terminal stage is incurable, the remaining days do not deserve counting days on the death bed. Terminal patients can lead an extended and quality life if they can manage their disease effectively. Engaging patients in mood uplifting hobbies and activities is one of the effective strategies to fight the challenging situation.

Clinical studies also highlight the positive impact of relaxing diversions on patients’ physical and mental health. Hence, facilitating patients’ environment with hobbies like painting, sketching, drafting, or journaling can alleviate patients’ moods and reduce their anxiety.

Patients can also engage with family members in routine house chores, including gardening, cooking, baking, and laundry. Such interacted activities can depart an even more uplifting impact on a patient’s psychological and emotional health. As a result, patients feel more connected to their surroundings.

5. Including fitness promoting exercises

Maintaining a fitness routine is crucial for everyone; it is even more necessary for terminally ill patients. Though the patients may not carry out rigorous physical exercises, they can indulge in medically safe and recommended activities.

For instance, meditation, yoga, and stretching are physically less demanding and stressful activities. Furnishing suitable spaces for regular walking, jogging, and swimming can be effective choices. Facilitating exercises in groups can be even more relaxing and savoring.

On the other hand, professional fitness trainers and occupational therapists can assist patients during their workout sessions and provide personalized guidance. The experts can also suggest supplementing patients’ environment with necessary medical devices to monitor vitals, such as blood pressure, heart rhythm, oxygen saturation, and other indicators.

6. Executing group discussions and interactions

Clinical experiments highlight that improving interaction between patients and physicians can reduce disease-associated stress and minimize evolving complications. Hence, providing a conducive environment for discussions can be health-promoting. An interactive environment assures patients that they are not alone in a critical situation.

In addition, group discussions play an influential role in the prognosis and treatment plan of patients. In such settings, patients are also more open about their worries and healthcare challenges.

Similarly, engagement and interaction with others can alleviate patients’ anxiety and departs a sense of acknowledgment. Patients can also learn from other patients’ experiences and strategies and manage their situations effectively.


The end life stage is undeniably critical for incurable patients. Mostly, terminally ill patients have fewer options to manage their condition successfully and spend the remaining days without challenges.

Customizing palliative care settings is one of the most practical approaches to improve their environment and experience. Such units cater to several influencing factors and augment patients’ treatment schemes. In addition, palliative care units promote interaction and administer patients keeping in view their specific requirements.

Image 1: Pexels

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 1st September 2021.

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