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Tips for Nurses to Stay Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally Healthy

Tips for Nurses to Stay Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally Healthy Nursing is one of the most rewarding and lucrative career paths in the healthcare sector worldwide. Many people pursue a career as a nurse because they have a passion for helping people in need and making a positive impact in their lives. Moreover, with a vast range of job opportunities and career growth, most students are more than happy to build their career as a nurse.

Nurses are responsible for providing the best quality care to their patients, along with doctors and physicians. However, due to their work pressure, most nurses often neglect their physical and mental health. Due to this reason, nurses who neglect their health cannot give their best at their job. After all, who wishes to get treated by the nurse that is sick? Therefore, nurses need to prioritize their health to offer the best care. Below are some easy tips that can help you become a healthy nurse:

1. Take Healthy Diet

There is a high possibility that you might have a stressful day at work. As a result, you might have a strong urge to go to the vending machine and get a cup of coffee. Or you might have planned to have some takeout during your break. While it might seem a tempting and more leisurely route to fill your tummy, let's not forget the various benefits of a nutritious diet. Therefore, make sure to consume food that is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, and fiber. Your healthy diet plan can help you get through the day effectively and also help you maintain your weight.

It is no secret that nurses always provide the best services to their patients only if they are mentally and physically healthy enough.

Moreover, one of the most important things a nurse can do is create an environment that enables patients and their families to feel confident about receiving health care. It means ensuring they receive all services needed for continued well-being, from physical checkups to mental health treatment or medication management. However, continuity of care nursing empowers nurses working together across various disciplines by ensuring everyone has access to information so quality patient outcomes will never go unrecognized again.

2. Get Quality Sleep

No wonder the long and unusual hours shifts can take a toll on your mental and physical health. Therefore, make sure to get a good quality sleep to wear off all the stress and tension. After all, you don't wish to be dozing off during your shift. Or display negative emotions such as anger or irritation at your workplace. So try to get a quality sleep of about seven to eight hours daily. Getting sound rest can help you revitalize your energy for the next day. Make sure to establish a fixed routine for your sleep, depending on your shift hours.

Tips for Nurses to Stay Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally Healthy 3. Take Time Out for Meditation

Surely, you wish to stay ahead of your coworkers at the workplace. For this reason, you need to avoid any medical errors and perform better. However, you can perform better at your job only if you avoid distractions and conduct a proper assessment. That is where meditation comes in handy. So take some time out from your busy schedule and find an empty room. There, you can perform meditation and boost your energy. Doing so can help you tackle your day-to-day responsibilities positively. Guided imagery and deep breathing are two essential meditation techniques nurses can employ to reduce their stress levels.

4. Exercise Regularly

Is walking around wards to offer care to your patients causing you to sweat or making your heart beat faster? If the answer is no, chances are you are missing an essential pointer for a healthy lifestyle – exercise. Sure, your daily job duties might burn you out. However, you need to dedicate at least 30 minutes daily to exercise.
Are you feeling a bit reluctant to join a gym after your work hours? No worries, you can make walking, running, or swimming a part of your lifestyle to maintain your health. Working out can help alleviate your stress, boost your energy, strengthen your muscles, and much more.

5. Try Socializing

There is no denying that nurses find it hard to balance their personal and professional life. After all, nursing is a stressful profession. However, having someone with whom you can share your life details is good for refreshing your soul.
Thus, make sure to take some time out to socialize with your friends or family and ease any mental pressure. There might be a time when you encounter the death of a patient that was dear to you, or you might have to deal with a situation that leaves you frustrated to no end. At times like these, having emotional support can do wonders for your physical and mental health.

6. Dedicate Time for Hobbies

Undoubtedly, there is a myriad of options and things to discover and grow. However, you don't necessarily have to overlook your hobbies because you are passionate about your nursing career. It would be unfair for you to remain stuck in a single place instead of exploring various things and places. And, what more suitable way to explore new things than identifying your hobbies and taking time out for them. Your hobbies may include anything, such as learning arts, a new language, music, cooking, etc. It is a great way to enjoy what you love and relieve stress. Final Words:
Working as a frontline worker is no walk in the park. Nurses have to deal with long shift hours and experience stressful and challenging situations. As a result, nurses often struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Keep in mind; a healthy lifestyle is critical for each individual, but even more for nurses. It is because they are a primary role model for their patients. Therefore, nurses must take care of their mental and physical health. Only then can they perform their duties to the best of their capabilities. Staying healthy can also help them stay away from taking leaves from work to re-energize themselves.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 30th September 2021.

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