Grass On The Other Side Is Always Greener
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Life on the other side is always green. Is it true? Friends, this is true, because a person
who is down, frustrated and does not love his life or what he does, is bound to feel that someone else's life is
more greener than his/her own. The long instilled philosophy in all
of us today, that if you do what your heart says you are more content and
satisfied than when you are doing what someone else is expecting you to
do is causing all the trouble.
Truth is what you discover. Live your life and discover the truth of your life,
your constraints, your situations, your problems, your answers, your happiness
is too unique to you, live to make a great life out of your life's situations.
Don't model in comparison to Bill Gates' life, neighbor's life or for that
matter your brother's, parents' or your spouse's life. See what can make all
happy. By not keeping others happy, you are digging your own grave.

If you can expect and tell yourself what you are expected to do is what you
love to do, the problem gets solved if the question is of being content. But
the ego doesn't allow this to happen, for your ego continuously reminds you
of the fact that "you are adjusting...", you are not originally happy. That is
the job of ego - can you believe it gets paid for it. It gets paid for it and its
returns are the no. of issues it creates in your life.
The other facet of life is when you are expected to do things in a particular
way and someone who is expecting you to do something is doing the same
in an opposite way, it causes the greatest hurdle to accept what is happening
and stay happy - the first thing that hits the mind is the comparison that
"why are you expected to do when he/she can do the opposite". Life has
sort of instilled in us through various media - the joy of ownership, the joy of
having control. This has its strengths and hazards. The hard side to it is we
forget to draw the line, where to seek control, what to seek control in and
when to let go; with whom to seek and with whom to let go. The more often
you watch things you want to do, being glamorized and showing people really
seeking pleasure out of it, the more you would want to do it.
One finest example that I would love to quote, is the way media has glamourized
romance, love, relationships, outings, travels, which has made people
seek all of this only to realize these no way fall close to the expected
pleasure they might give that the media sets in us. It's an exaggerated view
that is set in us and hence what follows is an exaggerate expectation. Life's
purpose is to attend the dreams of the collective set of most important people
you love; and of course yourself eventually (but eventually is what we
Likewise in relationships the ego plays havoc. People have forgotten
roles. The role of a pilot is to fly the plane and hostess needs
to assist the passengers. We tend to think pilot can fly the plane
the way he wants and he has complete control and is more fortunate
than any of us. But we fail to realise he feels equally more
responsible for all the lives, he is accountable, he is also flying an
expected route, he is going through deeper and greater strain
(mentally) so needs better relaxation and rest. A lot of us end up
comparing that what we are doing is equally BIG and great and
hence we deserve to enjoy and celebrate as much as the pilot
does and we should be paid equally as well.
Now the most important thing in relationships roles have to be truly
well understood and accepted and not compared. Comparison
causes more damage than good it is capable of causing. It's best if
we all did realize that it's the happiness that makes us become the
best of whatever post we are from.
Once a great man said "All work is just WORK" with equal pleasure
and pain. If there is possibility of work sharing it should be
done. If there is expertise it should be shared. For the sake of
sharing it if things are divided then it makes chaos happen. It
could be from small things to bigger ones. Why is it that woman
gives birth to a child and not a man, why is it women look beautiful
and not a man etc. Nature had a reason to make both the way
they are and a lot can be learnt. Let roles be unique and not compared.
Let the common goal be the upliftment of family and not the
upliftment of an individual alone.
If this was understood - divorces would decrease. ":Why should i
go through all the pain?" "why me always..?" " Why should it always
be me who says sorry?" "why should I do all the work?" "
why should I go through this, I don't deserve it.." "Why..." If you
have felt all this then welcome to the club of people who just need
to hold their ego with both their hands strangle it each time it
comes when the person on the other side of grass is a loved one
and for heaven's sake STOP COMPARING. No matter how much
your tendency is to.
Life on your side is as green as that on the other side. IT's just that
at times it's night on your side and day on the other side and at
times it's day on your side (when you busy seeing your grass and
have no time to see it's dark on the other side..) and night on the
other side.
The grass has nothing to do with your life. You better start loving
your life and living it with what it offers you first and then expand
the horizons beyond to ensure it compasses more and more in
your arena, than comparing and keeping your life in a circle of
small radius forever.
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Sujit Lalwani
Founder & CEO at iUeMagazine & SIMUS