3 Words

When this world accidentally happened into a reality,
It had no other option, but to engulf us in, and digest us through.

The world is made of people, people, and people,
And people make things, things, and things.
Things are expressed in words, words and words,
So, eventually we have become a slave of three, from the beginning...

Life does not stop, neither die nor actually lives,
It just needs to be put into some pot of appropriate shape and wait for it to settle down,
And when it does, it's ready to make shapes out of it.
3 words,life moves on
We fall, we stand up - we fell and we stood up
We sleep and wake up - we slept and woke up
There are fragments of each one of us, residing inside our own body
That we take out and use, and when finished we are left with nothing
Whether happiness or sadness, we choose ourselves
Whether to wait or to hurry, is our own choice
We never stop for anyone, and no one stops for us,
If we are left behind in a race, no one comes back and make us get up
We came in this world alone, and so as we will go back alone
If nobody can accompany us from heaven to earth, then nobody will do so back to heaven from earth...

You lie, and lie again; you hurt and hurt again,
As if it's some kind of a game,
Game with high stakes and high rewards,
And who so ever will win, will get a better award

Life must encircle good, but pushing out bad
It should carry along what it should, and let go what's not in the better fate,
We could die, and we all will some day
We could manage to escape life, but we cannot manage to escape death
There will come mobilizing materials, and we would be stuck in the middle of sand
And we would not have strength to move and live better again,
We know, now are the better chances and tomorrow will never be named

So there is a term for us to live,
Live in a way, that everything will be set,
Complete your tenure as an ambassador of life,
Because life only teaches us three words,
Life Moves On...

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. A part [small/large] could be AI generated content at times and it's inevitable today. If you have a feedback particularly with regards to that, feel free to let us know. This article was first published here on 26th September 2014.
Zoha Khalid
Zoha Khalid is a contributing writer at Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine.

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