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Bhagyam A Aravind - Impossible is Nothing

When you are a human being as normal as others in thoughts and skills but have a disability and people tend to ignore your abilities and see your disabilities, how does it feel to be in such a society when people think more than twice to give an opportunity without sympathizing on you or scrutinizes you for a mistake to point out? When I contacted her to know about her and her feeling on this mindset, she came forward happily to answer the questions and make people aware that people with disabilities are no less than anyone and they are just normal as anyone anywhere.
Bhagyam A Aravind is a 32 yr old woman, a Research Scientist, Entrepreneur, and Recruiter. She lives with her family in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She was asked about her inspiration to get into this field. She said, “Learn new technologies to make a change for the better, my drive to reach as many people as I could and share mutual benefit and learn a new field and help people find their way”.
Bhagyam A Aravind
She was later asked about the challenges she faced in her life and her job. She said that she could list a million challenges in the research field, but for us listed a few. She said, “To begin with, due to physical shortcomings I was declined admission in schools, colleges and graduation institutions. Post completion of MSc my work place wasn't sure if hiring me was the best thing they did. Every walk of life was scrutinized and if I wouldn’t do something that would be prominent, I was sure to be thrown out....” About her entrepreneurship, she says, “Challenges in entrepreneurship was more physical. Meeting people in their comfort area, not availing any assistance since it would be a reason to be judged as incapable, day long exhibitions with no proper amenities and selling your product without making it a sympathy purchase.” When she was questioned about her recruitment responsibility, she said, “Challenges in Recruitment are learning a new field is not as easy as it sounds, coping with the initial challenge of learning and trying to pave your way amongst experienced recruiters itself is a big challenge. When the competition gets political and the physical difference between you and the others is taken as a topic for emotionally creating sympathy is the worst on the lot.”

Bhagyam also states about the difficulty they usually face in a place where they are doubted if they would be able to stand par with their other employees. With a fixed mindset, people ignore the intellectual ability of the employee and focus mainly on their disability.

She was at last asked to say about the motto of her life and her dreams. She says that the motto of her life is make people aware that people with disabilities are human beings and not objects for judging, sympathizing, experimenting and so on and so forth. Her dream is to see everyone happy and treated equally at every strata of their life. Bhagyam surely becomes an inspiration to millions out there reading there. People who have lost hopes and dreams because of their problem now can make up their mind to face it and come over it just like how Bhagyam did it.  And us, can surely make them feel good with us, not because of sympathy but with friendship thinking they are just like us and one among us.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 15th June 2017.
Shredha Narayanan
An Aspiring Journalist doing her under graduation

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