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Issues that US Universities Require to Know and also Foreign Students

Issues that US Universities Require to Know and also Foreign Students

Are you a student studying in foreign places? Are you looking to join a campus abroad? If so, then this article might interest you. In this article, we will look at how the pandemic has affected students studying abroad and those looking to study overseas.
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We can all agree that the pandemic has made life more complicated. With everything going online and boundaries being raised across countries with major covid-19 infections, it keeps on getting worse each day. But the part that was stroke the most is the education department. Students stayed at home for years. Others got stuck in foreign countries as the flights were not being allowed for months. It has been an awful time; here are some issues that campuses in the US and international students should consider.

Visa issue

Students who were supposed to join campuses in the US in 2020 underwent a considerable struggle to attain a visa. They, however, did not make the flight due to the pandemic. Therefore visa offices are now flooded by the students trying to book appointments to get to the US. They are, however, not responding, leading to a spiral of confusion among students all across the globe. It would therefore be great if the officials try to reassure the students that they will be able to get their visas and undergo their studies.

India has been mostly affected by this pandemic as the problem is not only on visas. The US government has banned flights from India, so even if you have a visa, it would not help you. Closing this border has led to students discontinuing their studies.

United States citizenship and immigration (USCIS)

The USCIS has communicated and provided the students with a way to apply for jobs online. It is like a version of students' work authorization, only that it is online. The program is ensuring that every student gets employed in time. However, the application is a bit slow due to the in-person biometric need, which is supposed to be used in case of a change in status. The feature, however, assists in letting the government know when a student prefers not to move abroad but instead continue with their study.

Issues that US Universities Require to Know and also Foreign Students Policy of face to face and online learning in the United States

The updated students and Exchange Visitor Program guidance has confirmed the extension of the existing guidance up until 2022. The expansion is beneficial since it has occurred early. In the previous year, such information was provided later than usual.

Students are also able to enjoy the advantage of the pandemics' flexibility still. Students can hence be able to stay abroad for more than five months but still retain their immigration status.


The pandemic has, without a doubt, hit the education system in a bad way. We hence hope that the information discussed in this article will be looked at and dealt with accordingly.

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Any facts, figures or references stated here are made by the author & don't reflect the endorsement of iU at all times unless otherwise drafted by official staff at iU. This article was first published here on 23rd June 2021.

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